no future - Alycia

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I was in my graphic design class with my best friend Maia, we have been into the roughest week ever, filled with projects and exams.

"Next week, i want you guys to bring the final project, y'all know this will be a 30% of your last grade so you better do a great job, you can go" The teacher said, finally it's friday but that means no weekend.

"Jesus" I sighed.

"Cheer up Y/N it won't be that bad, let's go to that party today!" Maia said, i just rolled my eyes.

"We have a project" She hit my arm.

"Come on, have fun at least once, it will be amazing, girls and boys from other schools! it's gonna be great" I nodded.



"Mom! i'm going out!" I said. My mom smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Be safe baby girl, i love you, have fum, i'm glad Maia invited you, you needed it" She smiled.

"That Maia girl, i don't like her, she's a bad influence to you, she's gay" My dad said, my mom rolled her eyes.

"Patrick, we already talked about this, it doesn't matter"

"It matters to me, i don't want my daughter to be a lesbian" I sighed.

"I'm going out mom, bye i love you" I said and walked out.

"What took you so long girl" Maia asked.

"My dad, as always, i hate him"

"The gay talk again?" I nodded. "You still straight as fuck, anyway, let's go!" Maia said and we drove to the party.

Maia parked her car and we got out, we walked to the house and someone opened the door.

"Hi!!! Maia i'm so happy you did it! Hi Y/N! thank jesus you're here" I smiled.

"Thanks Cierra, it's nice to see you again" She smiled and we walked in, everyone was drinking and making out. Maia left me there and i just saw her walking hand in hand with Cierra. Great.

I walked to the table in the middle of the living room and grabbed some drinks and food, i was there, just pretty bored.

"Hello" I heard a male voice, i looked up to see some guy, the kind of guy who every girl would want but not me.

"Hi, what can i do for you?"

"Wanna dance baby?" Uh no.

"Umm, no thanks i'm good" I said, he frowned.

"Don't be boring, come here baby" He grabbed my hand and i put pressure.

"Don't! i don't wanna go, leave me alone!" I said, the music was so loud, he was dragging me to the middle of the dance floor and wrapped his arms around my waist, he pulled me to his body, i was honestly disgusted.

"You would love it" He spoke in my ear, he was pressing my head to his shoulder with his hand, he was stronger obviously, i wanted to cry. He suddenly moved one of her hands to my ass and squeezed it, i pushed him and felt tears rolling my face.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN!" I yelled, everyone looked at us, i felt awful, i grabbed my bag and just ran out of the house, i couldn't stop crying.

"Hey! wait! wait please!" I heard someone yelling behind me. I swiped my tears and looked back.

"Just leave me alone!" I said, i felt someone grabbing my arm, i turned around and pushed this person.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now