Blind date - Alycia

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What was I thinking when I accepted this blind date thing with someone I met online, I must be out of my mind.
I was walking to the restaurant we agreed to see each other and I entered, all I had was a name which I was supposed to tell at the reception so they would take me there.
Once I arrived, the lady in the counter looked at me and smiled.

"How can I help you Miss?" She said politely.

"Hi, Um I have a date here, I'm supposed to see Mr Brooks?" I said nervously.

"Oh alright, yes, follow me" She said and started walking. I swallowed hard and started walking right behind her.

Once we arrived to the table I saw a man around my age, really handsome and fancy.


"Gabriel?" I asked. He nodded and gave me a smile, he quickly stood up to help me with my seat.

"Woah, you're really gorgeous, i must say respectfully" I chuckle.

"Thank you, you're not so bad yourself" I blushed a little, I really was nervous. Meeting someone online and agreeing in a date is not something I would do.

We chatted during a couple minutes before ordering I must say it was pleasant but not interesting at all to me. I was getting bored and I really didn't think we have a connection at all. I felt really bad about it because he seemed really entertained.

"Excuse me, I'll go to the restroom" I stood up as he nodded.

I walked in the restroom's direction and closed the door. I sighed and placed my hands on the sink.

"I'm out of my mind" I said loudly.

"Me too" I heard a girl's voice next to me and my heart skipped a beat. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" She apologized. 

"No, sorry I didn't see you there" She smiled. She had such a nice smile.

"Escaping your unpleasant date?" She asked, I frowned and chuckled.

"Something like that, why? do you have a plan?"

She giggled. It was the sweetest. "Something like that" She smirked. For some reason I felt my stomach twitching.

"Okay, I'm all ears" I said.

"I was joking, kinda in the same place..." She paused. "Oh god, I have an idea, we can pretend we are friend and we saw each other and you say to your date you had a friend's emergency as I will do and we both escape, what do you say?" She suggested. Was she out of her mind? So am I because I ended up agreeing.

We both walked out of the restroom walking to our tables.

Once I was there I saw him smiling at me, I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry... I have been enjoying this but I just saw one of my friends in the restroom and she needs my help right now, is it okay with you if I take her home?" He licked his lips and sighed.

"No yeah of course, don't worry. Friends first, go ahead we can do this some other day" He smiled, I smiled back.

"Sure" Not really.

I grabbed my stuff and walked outside the restaurant, I saw the girl and walked to her, she was resting herself in a car.

"It worked well didnt it?" She said. I chuckled.

"Indeed. Thank you..."

"Y/N" She smiled.

"Alycia" I said smiling back.

"What a precious name for a gorgeous woman like you" She said, I felt myself blushing. I saw a little pink shade on her cheeks as well.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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