You - Alycia

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She wakes up at 7.
She walks out her apartment at 8.
She takes exactly twenty minutes in the shower and she loves to sing to beyoncé while she's washing her hair.
She usually drinks tea for breakfast and eat toast with avocado.
She is very fancy.
She grabs her bag and of course sometimes she forgets her phone and she has to walk back to pick it.
Once she has it, she put it in the bag and finally walks out the apartment.
Los Angeles seems big for her but not the library.
She likes to read everyday there.
She likes romantic.
She also likes fiction.
And i can tell, she enjoys crime.

I walked to the library as i do every morning. Nothing interesting happens here. People come to read and then leave. Some of them take books home and then come back days later to return them.
Always the same routine.

Here's your book. Welcome. Come back tomorrow. what can i do for you? what book are you looking for? Nothing really changes.

Except for today.

I was in the middle of my shift at the library and it was eight past three, the bell rang and i looked up to see the new costumer. My eyes widened as i saw the Aphrodite itself, walking in the library.

"Hello" She spoke. Her voice was music to my ears, she has such an accent, she isn't from here. British? Nah. Australian? Yes.

"Hi, how can i help you?" Yes the same questions. I really don't have odd questions to do here.

"I'm looking for a book" She smiled, of course you are, is a library what else would you be looking for here?

"What book?"

She pursed her lips and suddenly bit her lower lip. "I don't know, i know it's stupid, i just wanted a recommendation" She said smiling. Shyly.

"Oh" I said. "Well if i can recommend you one, maybe you can read Dangerous Lies, it's a good one to start"

"Really? okay i'll take it, how much is it?"

"It's on me if you tell me your name" She squinted her eyes and rose her eyebrow.

"What if i don't?"

"It would be $23,76" I said serious, she flicked her tongue in her mouth and let it out a little giggle.


I smiled and handed her the book. She grabbed it and looked up smiling too.

So you like to flirt in that way Alycia.

"There you go, enjoy it, Alycia"

"Thank you Y/N" She said, i frowned. "Your identification" She pointed, i nodded.

"Right" She giggled as she put the book in her bag.

"I hope the book it's worth it, Bye" She said waving at me and walking out of the library.

Alycia. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, Australian to be exact. I don't know yet but i know she is, she has to be.
She's Aphrodite reincarnated. Her green eyes are unique. Her smile can cure cancer. For sure.

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