Give me a chance - Alycia

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"Please Cierra please you know i wouldn't be asking for this if this wouldn't mean the world to me" I begged, she rolled her eyes and just look at the food she was cooking.

"I don't know, she's serious and i don't think she would accept" She said, i sighed.

"You know i love you, i'm not using you for this, please it means a lot" I begged again.

"Ugh, Y/N i hate that i love you so much! i know you're not using me and i just know it because you have been working on this project for the last three months and you have put a big effort... i will ask her, she's coming to the party tonight so i'll try" She said, I smiled widely and jumped to hug her.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH, GOD I LOVE YOU!" I yelled and squeezed her strongly.

"O-okay now- let me go, i - can't breathe" She spoke, i released her and just kissed her cheek.

"You're the best" I said.

"Yeah yeah i know, now go put some clothes on, Maia is coming to pick us up" She said and i nodded.

"Got it mother" I said and ran to my room.

I have been working on this project about the different ways people speak english on the present and how much it changed since the language was created in the past.
I have interviewed to around one hundred people at least, i have put a big effort on it like Cierra said, it's so important to me because i'm studying english literature, i love the language.

I looked in the mirror and smiled, i look very good. Maia and Cierra convinced me to attend to this party, it's from some awards i don't even know but Cierra wanted me to go as her guest, I don't like very much the idea but i accepted just for her.

"Y/N! Maia is here!" I heard Cierra.

"I'm coming!" I replied. She's been my friend since a very long time, she's been my rock, it's been hard for me to study something i like and she always has been there to support me.

"Hi Y/N! wow you look awesome" Maia said, she's very nice too, i met her like two years later after being Cierra's friend.

"Thanks Maia, you look amazing" I said.

"Yeah Cierra you look beautiful, if i wasn't in love with Alycia debnam- carey i will totally date you!" Cierra spoke and i turned over to see her and chuckled.

"You're so dramatic and nope, i'm not in love with her, just admire her" I replied, she rolled her eyes. "You're beautiful" I said, she tried to hide the smile she had but she failed.

"So lets go" Maia said and i nodded.


"Oh my god Cierra she's there" I said and Cierra looked over my shoulders.

"Okay, keep calm don't freak out, i'll ask her" She said. "Oh she's coming!" My heart raced, my palms started sweating.

"Hello Cierra! i missed you" She said in her Australian accent, oh god i can listen to it forever.

"Alycia! glad you made it! i missed you too, how have you been?" Cierra asked, Alycia smiled and looked in my direction, she took my breathe away in the moment she smiled at me.

"Good! you? and who's this precious lady?" I bit my lip and Cierra coughed.

"Good too, she's my best friend, Y/N, also she wanted to ask you for something, i gotta go to get a drink, see you!" She said quickly and walked away leaving me there with her all alone.

"Um..." I was breathless, i bit my lip again, i was so nervous.

"So Y/N, I'm Alycia Debnam-carey, it's a pleasure to finally meet you" I blinked.

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