Chapter 1: A New Yet Horrid Start.

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Trigger warning: beheading, death.

*please do go back and read the character introductions*

As we start this story about a young boy who journeyed across the land for the first time. The journey took two days and a night in between from leaving his eomma and home by the river, to a nearby kingdom in search of the mentor who had talked to him and his eomma through letters that took many days to come and go. The young warlock needed someone who could properly help him with his gifts. Though the kingdom he was traveling to had a law that would send you to death row if you were ever caught. He knew the consequences and still decided to go. He needed a mentor to help him learn about his magic. 

His ability to use magic had been with him since he was a child. Though it was hard for him to learn and use it. No one in his village was like him, no one was born with magic. He was the only one. It took him many years to come to terms with it but he accepted it as he grew with it. He did not know spells but could do small simple things. The children did not play with him as he grew, he knew of only one person who loved him and that was his eomma. 

But his new life was just about to begin as he saw the kingdom in the distance from the path he walked, with nothing but a bag on his back filled with a few items of clothing, water and food for the journey. He smiled his bunny smile as he saw the flags on the towers above, flowing through the wind as they declared their importance and immoral class. He heard the sound of shouts and horns being blown from within the castle grounds and tilted his head in curiosity. 

Upon entering the castle grounds he spotted a crowd and a few knights bringing in a man to a stage where an executioner stood right before everyone's eyes, he held an axe in his right hand. There was a slab of wood in the center and they were moving the man to kneel in front of it with his neck over the slab. 

"My loyal subjects, today we shall witness a crime in history... this ordinary man, your fellow citizen, is a sorcerer, he practiced magic right below your noses and he shall pay for his crimes!" The King addressed his subjects from his balcony of the castle. "Execute him!" 

The executioner walked over to where the man was kneeling and lifted the axe up and over his head. With a few aims he sliced the man's head clean off. All the villagers gasped and an old woman started to push her way through the crowd to get to the front. 

"You shall pay for what you've done! He was an innocent man-" 

"He practiced sorcery!" The King argued back, cutting the old woman off. 

"All he did was heal others who needed it!" She screamed. There was fury in his eyes and a scary glint in them too. "'ll pay, you'll be sorry… you all will!" She screamed while pointing a boney finger at the king. 

"I'll take my chances…" he replied "leave, this will be the only pass I give for interrupting me!" 

With a scrawl on her face, she turned to walk out of the crowd, past the newcomer. They locked eyes for a second before she continued on her way down the dirt road. The young warlock let out a shaky sigh, that was the consequences of using magic in the kingdom. It was death. He didn't understand why it was death but he didn't want to risk such a thing in finding out. 

He quickly left the crowd and made his way around to try and find the quarters of the physician in the castle. He slowly grew confused about his way around and almost got lost. The boy looked around in hopes of finding someone who could help. But shyness was with him as he bit his lip nervously while looking around. 

"Uh.. can I help you..?" A soft feminine voice asked behind him. 

"Uhm.. yes, could you tell me where Namjoon-ssi would be?" He asked as he turned to look at her. He noticed that her cheeks look a little more red than normal and let out a small sigh. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now