Chapter 37: It Was Over There.

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The first sound Jeongguk heard when he woke up was the sound of the horses whinny* and huff, as more and more noises overlapped it. The sound of the knights chatting away and tents moving open caught his attention. The warlock sat up as he felt the prince's arm around his waist, something he would not be used to as time would go on. He saw the shadows of the knights standing or walking around outside the tent. Jeongguk looked to the sleeping prince at his side and smiled softly. He knew he should wake him up soon, but what's the harm in letting him sleep for a few more minutes?

Jeongguk pulled his legs up to his chest as he sat and listened to the knights talking. There were a few different conversations going on but one caught his ear, it was the one right outside the tent and it got his attention because he heard Taehyung's name.

"I'm not sure what was going through Taehyung's head, deciding to date a commoner of all people? Especially that male? What a stupid decision"

Jeongguk recognised that voice, it was the knight who was reluctant to pledge on the oath, Bae Joon, if he remembered correctly. He suddenly felt his heart drop into his stomach by the word choice, not because they were saying rude things about him but calling the older stupid was a whole other story.

"Well, Taehyung love's who he wants to love, you can't take that away from him, Bae Joon," Dae Sung responded in a protective manner.

"Please, that servant is better off doing what the rest of them do, he got in the way of me trying to win Taehyung over-"

"Like you had a chance anyway, you must remember that he doesn't like snobs" Dae Sung shot back. "I think he's better off with Jeongguk anyway, he's kind"

"Yeah right, what if he just wants the money? Huh? Think about that" the other scoffed.

Jeongguk jumped abit when he felt the prince's hand move up his body. He looked towards the older who was now sitting up next to him, his face close, chin on his shoulder. The warlock was about to talk when Taehyung placed a finger up to his lips to indicate to be quiet.

"I'm sure Jeongguk isn't like that, you and I both know this, leave Taehyung be" there was a pause. "He's happy"

There was a scoff noise from the other knight before the couple heard him walk away. They heard Dae Sung sigh and saw his shadow shake his head before walking away too.

"I knew Bae Joon was trying to do that all along," Taehyung said after some time. "I've rejected him so many times, it's not funny" he shook his head.

"I'm not anything of what he said I was," Jeongguk muttered. "Dae Sung said the only nice thing about me…"

"I know," Taehyung nodded. "You would never go after money like that or even potion of power, Bae Joon is just power hungry" he ran his fingers through Jeongguk's bed head to try and flatten it down.

"Do you think he'll tell your father?" Jeongguk questioned. "About us?"

"No doubt," Taehyung sighed as he moved his head to rest against the warlocks. "I'll think of something, I always do"

"The king wouldn't kill him though, he'd kill me" Jeongguk sighed.

"Hey" Taehyung took the warlock's face in his hands. "Not on my watch"

"And what would you do? You don't have power over your own father" The warlock pointed out.

"I can still fight for you" The prince looked into the warlock's eyes. "We can run away if needed"

"I wouldn't do that to you, from your own home? No, never" Jeongguk shook his head. "I'd leave so you could at least be King and fix things"

"I wouldn't let you leave, why? My father would probably force me to marry Bae Joon and you know how I am with snobs" Taehyung chuckled. "Dae Sung was right about that part"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now