Chapter 59: The Coronation.

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It had been a week since the king's death and the prince had been studying well with the help from his boyfriend and had even tested a new harmless spell on the warlock; one being slowly turning him into an animal. Taehyung did start to panic once he saw Jeongguk grow ears and tail of a rabbit but the warlock reassured him that it would be okay and he just needed to use the reverse spell before he started to make noises of a rabbit or started to act like one.

He had said that before his nose started to twitch. But they managed to fix it before it got any worse, to the point of Jeongguk turning into an actual rabbit.

The day had started off busy, messy and most of all chaotic. But once everything was in motion of being set up for the prince's coronation to be king; the banners and ribbons of the colour blue hung, the carpet changed to red and rolled out to the throne, flowers up the aisle alongside the rows of wooden seats. The cooks were making a feast in the kitchen and knights were getting ready in their formations of when they'd raise their swords high above the prince's head.

"Sire! You need to stay still!" One of the fitters had exclaimed as he was pinning fur to sit right on the prince's robe.

"..Fine.." Taehyung huffed. "But I want to see Jeonggukie.." He stood still for the fitters.

"He's just gone to help Namjoon with the setup of your coronation, you know this" Another fitter spoke as he hemmed the prince's pants.

"I just hope he won't take too long" Taehyung looked down and saw that the fitters had started to finish up and clean up any rough edges.

"Step forward your highness, I need to see how it looks as you walk" The eldest fitter there instructed.

Taehyung walked forward, letting the back of the robes back to trail behind. The fitters watched and nodded in satisfaction as the prince turned to show the fitters how it looks.

"It fits nicely" The youngest fitter spoke.

"Good" Taehyung smiled.

"You look so handsome, Hyungie"

The prince turned around as he heard his lover speak. "Ggukie! I miss you" He quickly walked over to the warlock.

"I wasn't gone long, Taehyungie" Jeongguk laughed. "Namjoon-hyung just needed help putting up the banners" He winked to the other male.

"I see," Taehyung smiled. "Gentleman, how long till the coronation starts?" He turned to look at the fitters in the room.

They looked at one another. "In one hour, Sire" they replied.

"One hour?" Taehyung's jaw dropped. "I need to be by the door in thirty minutes" He exclaimed, running his fingers through his styled hair making it a mess.

"Taehyungie, Calm down" Jeongguk took the prince's hands in his to pull his hands away from his hair. "I'll have to restyle your hair again..." He pouted.

"I'm sorry" Taehyung apologized softly. "It just suddenly hit me that... I'm going to be king"

"We should take our leave now, Sire" the oldest fitter said. "We need to get to the throne room"

"Yes yes, go" Taehyung give a quick smile to them as they left this quarters and gave Jeongguk a knowing nod that he could calm the prince down.

Once they left the prince closed the door and turned to the warlock. "Was there anyone in the room, other than Namjoon-hyung, when you were helping him?" Taehyung asked with an expression of fear across his face.

"No one else was in the throne room other than Namjoon-hyung..." Jeongguk confirmed. " that why you started to freak out before..?"

His expression had softened from the comforting, confident look before. Taehyung let out a sigh and his shoulders slumped down.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now