Chapter 31: Pale Eyes Of Protection.

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There was a nice warmth from the morning sun as it shone over the two sleeping males. The warlock, with his head on the prince's chest and almost mistaking it for his pillow, nuzzled against the other's chest before he gave into the sun's annoying light and opened his eyes as he rested his chin on the older's chest with a huff. As soon as Jeongguk saw Taehyung's sleeping face he remembered what happened the evening before and bit his lip as he smiled softly; it wasn't the type of smile that was big but it was one you could see in his eyes.

The warlock sat up and stretched his body that ached a little from sleeping on the dirt. He groaned a little from the clicking of his joints and looked around the landscape they were in. The male nearly forgot he was in his old village till he saw the crosses and the familiar view of the river.

Jeongguk placed a hand on his face as he sighed. Right, they came to his place of birth to hide the prince's sword. His eyes shot open; the sword, Excalibur. He shot his head around to look for it and saw that it was by the horse who was eating the grass near the treeline. The warlock let out a breath of relief before turning to the prince, who was still sound asleep. He nudged the prince's shoulder lightly, not sure of how hard he would need to shake the older awake.

He heard Taehyung groan and saw that he brought his hands up to stretch as he woke up. The prince did the same actions as the younger; feeling confused as to where they were, then with a smile he looked back to the warlock as he realised where they were.

"Taehyungie, do you remember what we were meant to do here?" Jeongguk asked softly as he stood up.

" hide the sword, yes, I do," Taehyung nodded as he looked for where the blade was.

"Well…the best place is.." Jeongguk looked to the river and then back to the prince. "To throw it into the river.."

"But wouldn't that ruin the blade? Wouldn't it rust?" The red haired male asked as he stood up to walk and grab the blade.

" I don't think it would" The warlock shook his head.

"How do you know?" The prince questioned softly.

"I don't-"

"I can answer that" a voice echoed from the trees behind the prince, making the two males look along the forest line; their eyes moving quickly.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Taehyung shouted as he took his extra sword and pulled it out of its scabbard before pointing it towards where the voice came from.

"Fear not my dear prince- oh and his lovely companion, the warlock, I haven't seen you in many months" the voice got closer as they saw a woman.

The woman glowed the colour of the moon lit sky, her hair sliver and she wore a beautiful slim fitting dress with a cape-like appearance around her. Though her eyes may be as pale as the moon; they were shining like the stars. She was stunning yet so ghostly. She floated instead of walking but that somehow made sense to the two males before her. Her voice, though echoey, was enchanting and kind. There was a form for familiarity within it.

"Who..are you?" Jeongguk asked as he walked closer to the prince and stood slightly behind him, yet ready to attack just in case.

"I am the guardian of this river, I've watched you since you were a young bunny, warlock, I watched over everyone who lived here-"

"Then why didn't you save them from the attack that happened to them, by that wretched woman?" Taehyung asked harshly.

"I could not intervene with the way of how life had to go, I only looked over the river and the people who were there, I never claimed to have helped them, they didn't even know I was here" the women spoke softly, in an apologetic tone.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now