Chapter 79: Sneaking Around.

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It slowly grew to night, and the weather had been clearing up. Taehyung let the younger one sleep and thought that maybe he should take the younger out for a sneaky date before their wedding day. He planned that they go to a nearby lake for some time alone and to escape from the responsibilities for a few hours. So he waited for the castle to be silent that very night. He was ready and dressed as he listened for any servants moving around. He was glad he had made their schedule so they could sleep at a reasonable time.

Taehyung stood by his door and listened for any movement. When there was none, he walked back to their bed and nudged the sleeping warlock awake softly.

"Jeonggukie, baby, wake up," He whispered close to the other's ear.

Jeongguk whined as he nuzzled into his pillow. ".. What..hyungie..I'm sleepy,"

"I know, baby, but I want to show you something." Taehyung smiled as he saw the younger male open his eyes slightly.

"What do you want to show me..?" Jeongguk asked in a slightly less tired tone than before.

"That's the surprise," Taehyung laughed as he saw the other look more intrigued by the statement.

"..a surprise huh..?" Jeongguk hummed as he sat up in bed. "Alright… it better be good, though,"

"It will, you know me," Taehyung replied as he stood up to let the other get up.

Jeongguk just hummed with a smile on his lips before asking. "Why couldn't we have done this during the day?"

"Because I just wanted it to be just.. me and you..a moment for ourselves, and it may seem like a moment of being selfish, but we need these moments, " Taehyung explained as he watched the other walk into their closet.

Jeongguk was silent for a moment as he let the words settle. "Moments for ourselves aren't always meant to be selfish. They're necessary for us, and to spend time away from our duties is always good.."

"Exactly, my love," Taehyung replied, watching the other come out of the closet dressed in warmer clothes and a cloak like his own.

"So you still won't tell me where we're going?" Jeongguk asked again with a small pout that he knew would make the other tell him right away.

"No, you'll need to be patient," Taehyung laughed at the warlock's pouting lips before walking over and placing a quick kiss against Jeongguk's lips to stop the pout. "Okay?"

"Okay," Jeongguk nodded with a smile on his lips after their kiss.

"Come on." Taehyung took the other's hand, and they walked out of their quarters as quietly as they could.

Taehyung made the younger step out first before he turned to close the door, slowly trying not to make a sound. The door had made a sound that made the two giggle quietly before they continued their way through the halls.

"We'll go out from the stairs and not the front, it won't be as loud and it won't wake anyone" Taehyung whispered to the warlock as they hid behind walls walking for anyone who could be awake.

"Safest way too," Jeongguk nodded.

"Okay, let's go." The two males continued down the halls towards the stairs and made their way down them as quietly as they could.

They stopped by the wall that had the hall adjacent to it that led to Namjoon's quarters. They listened for any movement but could only hear the snores of the physician softly echoing through the door. They giggled yet again to themselves before rushing down the stairs and out into the cold midnight air.

They walked around to see the village lit up a bit away from the castle with banners and lanterns along the path near the forest. Taehyung turned to look at the warlock who did the same, and they both had the same thought.

"Do you want to -" "?" Taehyung started.

"I would love to see what it's about," Jeongguk replied just as fast, making them both laugh.

The young engaged couple made their way towards where the light was, and before they got any closer, they lifted the hoods of their cloaks up to hide their faces. They could smell the food being cooked and the way the people celebrated with drinks and the children playing with ribbons.

"I wonder what they're celebrating.." Jeongguk muttered as he looked around at all the people.

"I wonder too.." Taehyung replied as they stepped forward slowly into the crowd.

They walked past a few food venues on the side of the little road that had been set up for the small celebration. Taehyung pulled the younger one towards a fairly less crowded venue and looked over the food for a second.

"Is this where you want to take me?" Jeongguk asked in a whisper tone to the other.

"No, no, but it's a nice stop before we go where I had planned" Taehyung shook his head before smiling and turning to an older woman who was cooking behind one of the wooden tables set up.

"Uh.. Excuse me, Ma'am?" Taehyung asked, trying to gain the older woman's attention. "What is this celebration for?"

"Oh! You must be from out of town, " the woman replied without looking up from what she was doing. The two were glad that no one had recognised them yet through their hoods. "We've been planning this celebration since the king announced his wedding to his lovely boyfriend,"

"R-really?" Jeongguk stammered out. "What is it that you're celebrating then?"

"Gorgeous, sweet, beautiful, true love," the woman replied with a sigh as she closed her eyes and placed a hand over her heart. "It's been a long time since this kingdom has seen such a type of love."

"That's so lovely of you all," Jeongguk replied.

"It's not as lovely as King Taehyung's fiancé, He's the sweetest one of all, playing with the children when he can and helping them too, so kind… and very gorgeous" The woman exclaimed, making the hidden couple smile.

"Well, thank you for telling us what this celebration is about, ma'am." Taehyung gave a smile to the still working woman.

"It was no problem, dear." She shook his head.

The two walked away quietly and roamed around the small venue, stopping every so often because of the children running about and giggling as they had fun. Jeongguk watched the children with a smile as he gripped the other's hand tighter with his own. It was quite a chilly night, but that didn't stop people from enjoying their time celebrating the couple's engagement.

"I didn't know the village loved us so much" Jeongguk spoke so softly as he looked at all the banners that had 'gorgeous kings', 'such a sweet couple' and 'Long live the lovely kings' written on them.

"I did." Taehyung smiled as he looked at the other's gorgeous, widened doe eyes. "I knew they'd love you, and I'm glad they see how gorgeous you are." He took the warlock's hand and kissed it softly as he maintained eye contact.

"Now, come along, we need to get to the spot I want to take you to." Taehyung smiled as he looked at the warlock with a loving gaze.

The warlock smiled at his lover and nodded as he was excited for the sweet surprise the other would be showing him.

The night started off sweet, but what he didn't know was that it would be even more sweeter.


I hope you like it
Sorry, it's on the short side, I was very tired while writing it.
This part will flow better into the next chapter, so I thought it would be better this way anyway.

I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now