Chapter 41: Why Did It Turn To Powder?

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It couldn't get out of Jeongguk's head. Why couldn't it? Why did the horn turn to powder? Black powder at that. It had bothered him since they arrived back from hunting- since the King saw it in the fabric. Since it lay on the red carpet on the ground. Unicorn horns wouldn't just turn to powder. It normally stays white and in shape; not crumbling apart and almost like charcoal. It bothered him so much. He huffed as he walked away from the main group and down the stairs to where it led to Namjoons quarters; he needed to read up on why the horn turned black. If he couldn't find anything, maybe the older would know why; maybe he had seen or heard why a unicorn horn would turn to absolute powder.

Every page turned; every word written, nothing in the first half of the thick book he held. He almost gave up; almost. But before he could he walked out to see Namjoon writing a few things down in a book he used to keep everything up to date with in regards to medication he has made. Jeongguk walked over to the table and sat down as he placed the hefty book down on it with a small bang.

"Any luck?" Namjoon asked as he hadn't looked up from his book.

"None yet" Jeongguk huffed. "It was just odd.." He shook his head and he stared off into space.

"Odd..?" The physician questioned. "What was..?" He finally looked up at the warlock.

"Bae Joon found and killed a unicorn, took its horn but for some reason it turned black and then turned to powder" Jeongguk explained as he rubbed his face with a sigh before looking back at the book as he flipped a page over.

" it did what?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow as he looked over at the warlock. " would only do that if-'' He stopped. He had nearly said too much.

"If..?" Jeongguk urged the elder male to continue.

Namjoon already said too much. He knew he did. It was too late now. "Page 87" He gestured to the book.

Jeongguk looked puzzled for a second before the look of realization settled on his features. He quickly flipped the pages to the number that was mentioned before he pulled the book up onto the end of it so it sat upright. He skimmed over the words; hunting for the information he needed. Then his eyes landed on the word 'powder' and he moved back a few words before actually reading.

His eyes skimmed as he read aloud. "The reason the unicorn's horn would've turned black and turned to powder was because if someone has bad intentions it'll decay so as to not let anyone use it; however if someone has good intentions to use it, it shall remain as white as pearls…" he placed the book back down as he lifted his head up to look at the physician.

"There are good intentions for it? I've only heard of the curse" Jeongguk questioned.

"That's because if someone took it with good intentions but handed it to someone who was planning to use it for bad intentions, it would place a curse of the land"


"I know" He put a hand up to stop the other talking. "the good person might've been manipulated by the bad person into getting it," Namjoon answered the warlock's unspoken question.

"True…" The warlock muttered, before looking back at the book to make sure there wasn't anything that used the black powder of the unicorn horn. "Is the powder used for anything?" He asked as he read.

"Not to my knowledge, no" Namjoon shook his head.

"Alright, just making sure" The warlock sighed and closed the book before walking back to his room at the back of the quarters and placing the heavy book back where it should be in the cabinet to his right. The warlock rushed back out and jogged towards the door again.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now