Chapter 61: Cozy Mornings.

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Sleeping in was a thing that Taehyung started to like, though not more than waking up and seeing his lover sound asleep next to him, practically wrapped up in his arms under the red sheet; even though the bed was huge enough for them to sleep away from one another, unlike Taehyung's old bed, they never did. They took up only the middle of the bed and even though it was summer still and they only used the sheets to sleep with.

Taehyung smiled sleepily as he woke up and saw his lover's beautiful sleeping face. Head quite nuzzled into the pillow and hair messy from the deep sleep. The now maroon toned brown haired King felt his heart melt at how prettily the warlock slept. He placed his hand on Jeongguk's cheek and placed a kiss against his lips softly, just enough to not disturb his slumber. Taehyung got up and stretched, letting the warlock sleep a bit more.

Taehyung smiled a bit as he looked out of the big window from behind the drawn curtains after he had moved them. He watched his people do their shopping in the market, a few children running around and enjoying the sunshine. He heard some shuffling from behind him but didn't bother to look as he knew that the warlock was slowly waking up. He heard a soft sigh and felt arms around his waist with a head on his shoulder.

"Good morning my love" Taehyung hummed out in a deep tone as he looked over his shoulder to see a still sleepy Jeongguk. "How was your sleep?"

"It was good," Jeongguk muttered, his voice a little rough. ".. though you moving before had woken me up" He pouted as he moved away.

Taehyung turned to look at the warlock's obviously fake mad expression before leaning down and wrapping his arms around Jeongguk's thighs and lifting him up, resting his hands under the younger's butt making him giggle with a bright smile as the warlock wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck. The new King walked back to their bed and flopped down with Jeongguk falling against the bed on his back, head hitting the pillows. Jeongguk's legs were spread either side of the other's hips as he looked up with a soft smile.

"You know we can go back to sleep, if you want"  Taehyung rubbed up and down the younger male's thighs. "It is our day off"

"Didn't you want to practice your magic a bit more?" Jeongguk asked curiously, trying his best to ignore the way the older man was touching his thighs.

"But we can do that later," Taehyung smiled. "Besides, no one will brother us today"

"Taehyungie, as much as I want to lay in bed all day and cuddle- and trust me I do" Jeongguk giggled. "We need to get your magic under control more, I don't want anything bad to happen or anyone to.. notice too early when you're not ready"

Taehyung heard the tone in Jeongguk's voice. It was one he had heard before, except he had used it with the younger before. It was one of softness, that unsaid understanding and comfort when explaining something. Taehyung knew that the warlock below him was right; they didn't want any flukes.

"You're right baby" Taehyung nodded softly as he leaned down and placed a kiss against the other's lips. "You're always right about this"

Jeongguk gave him a smile. "Glad you agree" he sat up unknowingly moving to sit in the other's lap. ", if we go now, we can avoid anyone asking questions and go out into the woods to practice"

Taehyung was silent for a second, admiring the way the warlock's hair fell over his face. "The woods, you say, why there?" He asked as he rubbed the other's thigh again.

"Because no one will see us, and nothing will be damaged in the castle," Jeongguk explained.

"We could do it at the knights training area, no one in the village goes there and the knights have a day off too, don't you forget" Taehyung suggested to the other. "And, it's not for to travel so when lunch rolls around we can easily go and make some"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now