Chapter 73: No More Hiding.

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There were many cheers from the people in the village after the king's announcement. The whole village was talking about the changes and how happy they were because of it. They were also happy that their king chose someone who knew the challenges of being a person from a lower class to be by his side. They knew Jeongguk would be the best for the king, to help with making decisions for the kingdom and its people; to help work out what would be best for everyone. A mind from the lower class has a better understanding than those born in the higher.

Taehyung's nervousness had vanished after the announcement when he saw all the smiles and cheers from the people of the village. Their day started off great; they hoped it would continue to be amazing.

"Taehyungie, where are you taking me?" Jungkook giggled as he asked.

The king had dragged the young warlock away from the balcony and back into the castle after the announcement. There was the sound of cheers slowly growing quieter in the background as they left the scene.

"Well, we'll need you to get fitted for your robe, clothing, and crown," Taehyung smiled as he looked back at his lover.

"Wait.." Jeongguk made the other slow his speed and made the king look curiously at him. ""

"Yes, your crown, you'll need one," Taehyung nodded. "Though I'm wearing my fathers crown, we might use my mother's for you because it has to go to the person who's next to the king."

Jeongguk blinked and let the other pull him along again. He was both in shock and curious as to what they'll do with the previous queen's crown. And then a thought came to mind: Would they change it in any way for him? He wouldn't want it to change in style, it was his lover's mother's crown and Taehyung would be seeing it during meetings and announcements and he wouldn't want it to take away something that would remind the older of his mother.

"I wouldn't want to change anything about the crown for myself. It was your mother's," Jeongguk spoke honestly with a pout and looked around the halls to work out where they were going.

Taehyung stopped before turning around and pulling the younger one into an embrace. His head, buried into Jeongguk's neck and his arms secured around the warlock's waist lightly.

"I love you so much that you, not wanting to change something that was connected to my mother, is so sweet of you" Taehyung smiled as he pulled away from Jeongguk's neck to look at his face. " not worry, it'll be cleaned and jewels will be cleaned or replaced if needed, it won't be changed." He took the other's face in his hands.

"What type of jewels does it have?" Jeongguk asked as he looked into Taehyung's eyes.

"That you'll have to find out on the day you're crowned King by my side." Taehyung nodded softly. "But for now, your rode and clothing will be measured up."

"Why can't we continue to share clothing?" Jeongguk pouted.

Taehyung chuckled. "We can still share. It just gives us more options." He placed a quick kiss on the warlock's cheek.

"Tae!" Jeongguk whispered as he looked around frantically. "What if?" But he stopped.

"What if what? Everyone knows now, it doesn't matter, I can kiss you whenever and wherever"

A sly smile crawled its way onto Jeongguk's lips as he looked up at the older. "We don't have to hide anymore."

"We do not," Taehyung replied back.

"We're not secret anymore." The warlock bit his lip in excitement.

"We are not," Taehyung nodded whilst laughing. "We are free to show everyone our love,"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now