Chapter 86: Suspicions.

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The couple were down in Namjoon's quarters. They had called the man who claimed to be Jeongguk's father down with them so they could sort out a way to figure out if the man is related or not. There was some doubt; not a lot but some from the king. Taehyung thought it was strange that the warlock's so-called father came back just as the male was about to be crowned as King by his side.

Even though Taehyung should've spoken about this nagging thought to the younger, he felt that he should wait till they finished discussing how they would find out if the warlock and his so-called father were related.

"I can use a bit of your blood and with a spell to see if you two are related but it may take a few days" Namjoon had hummed in thought as he looked through the book the warlock used to study from.

"Alright, we can do that," Jeongguk nodded before turning to the older man who arrived earlier that day. "If that's okay with you sir?" He asked.

"That's absolutely okay," the older man nodded.

"Good" Jeongguk smiled before looking back at the physician. "Then let's get started with this" He took a breath before sticking his finger out of his left hand for the other to take a small blood sample.

Namjoon took hold of the warlock's finger between his two fingers before pricking it with a small pin in a quick motion. Jeongguk hissed abit in pain from the fast prick and squeezed from the action from the physician's actions.

"Sorry" Namjoon gave the younger one an apologetic smile as he made sure the blood dripped into a small vial.

"It's okay, Namjoon-hyung," Jeongguk gave a smile. "Your turn sir" He nudged his head for the older man to move forward.

"Alright.. then" He replied as he stepped forward.

As Namjoon did the same actions to the older man as he did to the warlock, Taehyung stepped forward and grabbed a bit of material like bandage and ripped it so it was thin enough to fit around the warlock's finger to stop it from bleeding.

"Hyungie, you didn't need to do that" Jeongguk shook his head as he watched the other wrap up his finger.

"It'll stop the blood bubbling out and it can heal better then" Taehyung replied as he placed a small kiss over the material while looking the younger male right in the eyes.

They heard the older man hiss a bit as Namjoon applied pressure to drip his blood into another vial. There were a few mutters of 'sorry sorry' from the physician as he wrapped the man's finger up too.

"All set?" Taehyung asked as he looked over at Namjoon.

"Yes.. though as I said it may take a few days.." Namjoon sighed. "I suggest just making sure this older gentleman is comfortable and focus on Jeongguk's coronation plans"

"Will do, Namjoon-hyung" Taehyung nodded. "Come along my love.." He gave a smile.

"Sir, do you know your way around the castle?" Jeongguk asked the man who says is his father.

"A little from last night and this morning, but I should be fine, I want to have a look at the village before later tonight" the older man gave a smile to the two before waving them off.

"Okay, just making sure sir" Jeongguk nodded with a small bow.

"We'll be heading off now" Taehyung gave a smile to the two who stood before them and took the younger by his waist and directed him out the door.

As they walked out and back towards the stairs to go back up to the throne room for the coronation planning, Jeongguk noticed how his husband was acting off. With a raised eyebrow and a small pout on his soft lips he stopped in his tracks as they were half way up the stairs.

"What's wrong hyungie?" Jeongguk asked curiously. "You seem off.."

"It's nothing, don't worry about it" Taehyung shook his head to dismiss the other's worries.

"It's something, tell me" Jeongguk pressed a little harder. "It'll bother both of us if you don't"

Taehyung knew he was right about that. His thoughts would bother him, then his lack of speaking them would bother the warlock which in turn would cause the older to think more.

He took a breath before he replied. "It's just… don't you find it a bit strange that this guy, who says he's your so-called father, just comes back out of the blue.. After years of not seeing you and it's around the time you're getting crowned King by my side…" Taehyung spoke honestly about the situation. "Don't you find it odd…?"

"I do find it strange, yes…" Jeongguk nodded "the timing is too much of a coincidence if you think about it… but we haven't said anything about my coronation to anyone outside the castle.. let alone the kingdom"

"Do you really think he's your father though?" Taehyung asked.

"We'll have to wait and see in a few days won't we?" Jeongguk replied as he continued to walk up the stairs with his husband following behind.

"For now let's focus on getting everything ready for my coronation, okay?" He added as they walked up the stairs.

"You're right, I was…"

"Worried?" Jeongguk finished as he looked at his husband.

"Yes, and just thinking that it's just suspicious because of… everything that has happened to us from those who didn't like my father" Taehyung expressed why he felt suspicious and hesitant about the older man.

"I get where you're coming from hyungie" Jeongguk nodded. "I feel a bit of doubt in my mid about it too, but we'll need to wait and see, don't we?" He added at the end.

"Yes, exactly, we'll take it slow and be patient" Taehyung nodded as he took hold of the warlock's hand in his own for comfort.

The timing of it all did feel suspicious. But it wasn't like the warlock didn't feel suspicious about it all either. No, he too, felt as suspicious about it all as much as his husband was. They've been through a lot of threats and have dealt with them together; they couldn't help but be on edge about this either.

"Ah! There you two are!" A familiar voice echoed around the hall bringing the two out of their thoughts.

"Jimin-hyung, Yoongi-hyung..?" Taehyung questioned. "What are you two doing..?"

"We've come to see how things are.. is everything going smoothly..?" Yoongi asked as he looked between the two.

"Well, the planning has been going smoothly, yes…but.." Jeongguk trailed off.

"But?" Yoongi asked.

Taehyung let out a sigh before replying. "An old man showed up earlier saying he was Jeongguk's father, we're just on edge that the guy could be lying because of the timing of his arrival" Taehyung explained to the two other male's.

"The timing…?" Jimin questioned.

"He arrived around the time we're planning my coronation, we don't know what he wants or even if he is my father.." Jeongguk explained to the two.

"That is suspicious around the timing…" Yoongi trailed off softly. "...I'll keep an eye on this guy for you two"

"Really?" Jeongguk questioned and then sighed. "Thank you"

"That's great of you Yoongi-hyung" Taehyung nodded.

"It's nothing, it's better for me to watch him, rather than you two as you need to plan, don't you?" Yoongi added.

"That's true.." Taehyung replied as they both nodded.

"Truely, thank you Yoongi-hyung," Jeongguk thanked sincerely.

"No problem"

I hope you guys liked it
Sorry it's a little on the quick and short side, I was falling asleep while writing it and I wanted to get it done and out.

I don't have much to say

I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now