Chapter 23: The Undeads Invitation.

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The reddened clouds in the morning gave a warning to those who looked. The warning was something that many didn't know, it could be anything that may turn someone's day to something worse. But the prince did not see the clouds in the sky as they gave their warning. He lay with the warlock in his arms, snuggled to his chest, under his chin. Both the prince and the warlock still sound asleep in the comfortable blankets. If the warlock had seen the clouds he'd note the red colour of them and take the warning to heart, while the prince would only stare and question what lies ahead for the day.

Soon with a soft stir, Taehyung blinked softly as he awoke from his heavy sleep. He looked around to his window and saw the later morning clouds of the colour that reminded him of stone. He turned back to the younger in his arms and smiled. The red haired male wanting nothing more to wake up like this every morning, with the most gorgeous person in his arms, that just makes his heart sore above the rest.

Taehyung smiled at the memory he had of the younger, allowing him to wake him up with many kisses. The prince leant forward and placed a kiss on Jeongguk's forehead that was slightly covered by his hair, then Taehyung moved to his cheeks placing small kisses on them and then caressing them before placing a soft kiss on the warlock's nose earning a small nose scrunch. The prince chuckled quickly as he saw the cure nose scrunch and then placed his lips on the other's soft ones, in a quick peak and as he did he heard a small sleepy whine from the younger.

"Did I wake you, Gguk?" Taehyung asked softly as he smiled and rubbed the younger's waist with his thumb.

"Yes.." Jeongguk murmured as he kept his eyes closed and nuzzled back into the prince's neck.

"Well you said I could wake you with kisses, you gave me permission" The prince teased as he placed more kisses along the warlock's temple and cheeks.

"I did and-" Jeongguk let out a small yawn and scrunched his nose. "..I don't regret it" he smiled.

Jeongguk opened his eyes as he looked up at the prince and smiled. They didn't want to get up just yet, they wanted to stay in each other's arms for longer. They didn't want anyone else to walk in and interfere with their quiet time together, it was soft, sweet and beautiful, like the moon in a sky full of stars glowing like a beautiful lamp in the sky. It was nature's lamp and it led the way. The light that glows at night would always help the two males find each other.

"We should get up before somebody comes and wakes me up," Taehyung warned as he played with the warlock's hair.

"You say that as we still stay in bed" The warlock giggled.

"We'll get up soon"

"Right, soon" Jeongguk smiled as he enjoyed the feeling of the older male playing with his hair softly and running his fingers through the strands.

The prince's soft gaze lay on the warlock as he saw how Jeongguk was relaxed, enjoying the sweet gesture of his fingers through his hair. There was a soft knock at the prince's door. The two looked at each other wide eyed and Taehyung quickly pulled the warlock up and out of bed. The younger followed knowing the urgency of the situation and let the older lead him to the bathroom.

"Stay in here until I tell you it's okay," Taehyung whispered to the warlock as he kissed his cheek.

Jeongguk nodded quickly. "Okay, I trust you," he smiled.

Taehyung then closed the door but kept it ajar. He walked over to the door and as he walked he made sure that his appearance looked tidy and somewhat clean. With a hesitant breath he let it out slowly and opened the door a bit. To his surprise it was Namjoon-hyung and Taehyung sighed with relief.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now