Chapter 17: The Start of The Final Few Days Of Peace.

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Make sure to read
Chapter 16 before this one


Taehyung didn't know what had awoken him. Was it the birds outside? No. Was it the horses and knights walking the grounds? The people in the village? No and no. He turned his head to look out his window only to be met with the sunrise, he hummed and turned to look back at the warlock who was sound asleep, nuzzled against his chest. Ah, that's what it was, the movement of the younger male pressing against him, nuzzling comfortably close to his heart.

All the prince did was smile and he oh so badly wanted to kiss the warlock's soft, pouty lips. But he knew he couldn't. For many reasons he concluded in his mind that he just couldn't. The main one being, it might make the sweet, calm atmosphere around them turn awkward. Though, deep down he knew it wouldn't be awkward for long. At least he hoped it wouldn't be.

Taehyung slowly brought his finger up to the warlock's bottom lip and traced it softly with his thumb. He hoped that it wouldn't wake the younger. The plumpness of it made it harder for him to resist placing a kiss on his lips. Biting his own as to resist the urge to place a soft kiss, he lets his eyes shift to the warlock's closed ones and notices how a few tears were starting to fall from his lashes. He moved his thumb to wipe the tears and saw how the younger's eyebrows furrowed and and a sharp sigh left his lips.

With a soft, heartbreaking sigh, Taehyung placed a kiss on Jeongguk's forehead. Closing his eyes as he makes it comforting. He plays with Jeongguk's hair as he tries to make him calm within the dream he was having. Soon he felt the other's body shake a little as he knew that Jeongguk had woken up.

"Hyungie…" Jeongguk whispered. "What…?" He blinked as he registered that the prince had his lips pressed against his forehead.

"Shh, you were crying in your sleep…" Taehyung whispered back. "I'm just doing what my mother would do when I was a baby to calm me" he explained lightly.

The prince started to hum softly. He closed his eyes as he placed his forehead against the others, stroking his cheek softly. Jeongguk could only stare in astonishment, he had only been given this treatment by his own eomma when he was a child. He didn't expect it to happen again later in life but it did and here the culprit for his fluttering heart was, humming a soft tune and keeping him calm after what he assumed was a nightmare about his dear eomma that he had left alone.

Jeongguk hoped he could've gotten the means to bring her to the kingdom but he couldn't. She insisted that he had to go alone. He never understood why. He still didn't know either. She was ill when he left and hoped she had been taking care of herself. The warlock hadn't heard anything from her since he left.

"Gguk- Jeongguk- hey" Taehyung tried to get the younger male out of his thoughts. "Are you okay?"

All the warlock could do was blink. The way he was asked if he was okay felt so sincere, so soft and genuine. Like the prince wanted to know if he was okay. Jeongguk went to open his mouth to reply but closed it. He didn't know what to say, he knew he trusted the prince and the prince knew his deepest secret, well one of them. He gave into his mental debate and sighed in defeat.

"My eomma.. I had left her alone back home, she had been terribly ill before I left and I told her to take care of herself… though I fear that she may have not survived…" Jeongguk replied honestly. His voice was shaking from the mere thought of losing his only other parental figure, he assumed Namjoon to be his more recent one.

"Have you heard anything from her or about her?" The prince asked.

"" He shook his head lightly. His soft eyes glazed over with tears.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now