Chapter 47: Finally Study Time.

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As the knight's training came to an end and the Prince allowed them to leave to go back to their duties, the warlock, though still glaring at the snobby knight, left to go and study a bit before having lunch with his lover. Jeongguk wanted to see how his mentor had been since it had been awhile since the two last spoke to one another; it had been long before the hunting session the group did. So, seeing the physician again and having some study time would be good for the warlock, especially since he hadn't had time to even study.

Jeongguk walked up the first set of stairs going back into the castle, as the physician's quarters were located on the level. He didn't quite enjoy the climb up but there wasn't much he could do about it. The warlock slowly walked through the hall, hearing his own steps echo as he got closer to the physician's quarters. He didn't need to knock, the young male just walked right in.

"Oh, Jeongguk, it's funny seeing you here," Namjoon noted with a smile. Jeongguk nodded as he shut the door behind him.

"Yeah.. sorry about that…" He let out a sigh. "I had to go with the prince on a hunting trip with the knights as punishment for going to see my village with Taehyung" He explained to the physician, who had only looked at him with a confused, out of place look.

"What..?" Namjoon questioned. "The king punished you two by forcing you to go hunting? That's letting you off easy…" He shook his head as he went to read something from his book, before raising his head again. "Actually come to think of it.."

"What..?" Jeongguk questioned as he walked through the room to his small room and grabbed his book.

"Well, it's just that.." Namjoon stopped to think about what was running through his head. "He's been acting rather easy recently, not sure why"

"I'm wondering the same, Namjoon-hyung" The warlock gave the older male a look of knowing and it was tense against his features. "He went easy with the punishments, it's like he has something planned or something else is going on- which mind you the other servants were acting strangely too, too perfect no human mistake"

Jeongguk opened his book to a random page as he tried to gather his thoughts together. "It was like they were hypnotised or something"

He had looked at the physician as he placed a hand on the open book. Namjoon raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the page that the warlock had opened to, this made the younger look at the other with a questionable look of wonder.

"What is it..?" He let slip.

Namjoon looked back up to the warlock's eyes and then looked away back to his own book of medicines. "Oh, it's just your thoughts might be answered already"

Jeongguk tilted his head with a 'huh' noise. "What are you talking about-'' He had finally looked down at the book below his hand and saw the words 'turbam animum regere oblivioni'.

"Mind control the crowd to oblivion..?" Jeongguk questioned. "Like hypnosis but worse..?" His eyes skimmed the words over the page, picking apart each word and information from it.

"It makes them powerless and stuck in their own mind?" Jeongguk asked in disbelief. " wonder they act too perfect…"

"That's not all," Namjoon added. "Continue" he urged as he placed a tiny spoonful of black dust into a vial.

Jeongguk continued to read the passage on the page, his eyes growing wide from the information. "The only way to break the victims from the spell is to kill the one who had casted it…" He looked up.

"But who…? There isn't anyone else who is like me here, surely I would know and surely if they were smart enough they would know not to even come here, so who would…" he trailed off and was about to continue speaking when the door opened with a brust, making him slam the book shut and hide it in his lap.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now