Chapter 91: King By Your Side.

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Today was the day of Jeongguk's coronation. The married couple woke up early, with a few morning kisses and giggles. It did help relax the warlock before getting out of bed and having their breakfast. The warlock and King had to be separated for the time being after their breakfast because the younger had to be dressed in royal robes that were fitted to his body perfectly.

The halls were loud when the villagers were escorted into the throne room and filed into the rows of seats. But soon, the throne room became quiet as everyone settled into their seats.

The warlock stood behind the main doors of the throne room. Jeongguk stared at the closed doors. The patterns of the dark wooden doors seemed to calm his mind. Though he couldn't help but think if he was good enough to be king by his husband's side.


Jeongguk shot his head to look to his right at the voice next to him. It was Namjoon, the first person he met who treated him with kindness when he first arrived at the castle years ago.

"Are you okay? Feeling nervous?" He asked.

"Not nervous…" Jeongguk shook his head. "Doubtful"

"Why doubtful?"

There was a few seconds of silence before Jeongguk spoke up "I don't think I'm fit enough to be king by Taehyung's side, I don't think I'll be good enough..I don't think-"

Namjoon stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. "I think you're fit enough, I think you're ready, and I know Taehyung thinks so too,"

Jeongguk looked at his mentor. He saw the sincerity in his eyes and the kind smile that he's known for years. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before looking back to the wooden throne room doors.

"Namjoon-hyung, I can't thank you enough for all of your support through these years," Jeongguk smiled. "I'm ready,"

Namjoon nodded before walking forward and nodding to the knights to open the doors. The knight's opened them, and he walked through quickly to allow everyone's eyes to be set on Jeongguk as he walked through the doors and were welcomed as king by Taehyung's side.

As he made his way through the aisle, the knights that stood on either side of the isle raised their swords just like they did for Taehyung's coronation. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest from all the eyes that were on him. But soon he saw his husband's eyes and his smile and he felt right at ease. He forgot all about the eyes in the room and focused on Taehyung, who stood by Namjoon, who had managed to make his way up to where he should be.

Once Jeongguk made it up to stand in front of Namjoon, he gave a smile to let him know to start.

"Today, we welcome a new king to be beside our current. This situation is new to everyone, but it'll just be like having a new queen," Namjoon chuckled. "We shall begin now,"

"Do you, Jeongguk, take full responsibility and duty as king to rule over your people with a kind heart and lead us through a peaceful reign as king by Taehyung's side?" Namjoon asked the warlock in front of him.

"I do," Jeongguk nodded, glancing at his husband before looking back to Namjoon. "For our people." He smiled.

Namjoon smiled before he motioned for the crown for the younger to be brought over. It was brought over on a purple pillow. The design looked simple, but it reminded Jeongguk of branches, small and going up, similar to that of the trees of his village. It was silver, it wasn't changed much; a few gems were changed or cleaned here and there. Jeongguk knelt down to allow the other to place the crown on his head.

"Then I crown thy, King Jeongguk." Namjoon placed the crown on the warlock's head. "May he live long!"

"Long live the kings!" The crowd cheered.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now