Chapter 62: You'll Have To Wait Longer.

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With a tail that swayed in annoyance and impatience; The dragon glared at the two males who stood looking up at him. Kilgharrah was waiting for an explanation from the warlock about why he took so long to get down to his prison. The dragon's claws gripped the stone he sat upon and he was trying his hardest to not swipe at the males like a cat.

The warlock had an eyebrow raised as he waited for the dragon to talk. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at the dragon above. The cave in which they were standing; there was an echo of the torches flickering away as they crackled to pieces against the walls.

"Well..?" Jeongguk urged as he huffed. "..why did you call me down here on our day off?"

The warlock was glaring at the dragon above them wanting to scream out his anger and annoyance that their calm day was almost taken from them.

"Baby, calm down," Taehyung whispered into his ear and he heard the younger grumble under his breath.

"I called you down here, young warlock, to finish your promise" Kilgharrah growled. "Once the prince becomes king-"

"I let you go!" Jeongguk finished for the dragon with a shout. "I know! But we can't really do that during the day!"

"Actually, Kilgharrah, since you knew I'm already king, you should also know I'm technically not really king..yet" Taehyung replied.

"Wait what..?" Jeongguk turned to look at his lover. "What do you mean?"

The dragon grew silent for a few seconds before sighing. "He is right, young warlock, he isn't technically king right now" the dragon let out a sigh. "..only when he marries he is considered king"

"But doesn't everyone consider you king?" Jeongguk asked.

"Only for a year, that's why I asked Namjoon-hyung how long I had till I needed to marry" Taehyung then turned to the dragon. "Once I marry, Jeongguk will let you go, correct?"

"Indeed." Kilgharrah nods. "Though…I thought you two already were?… my perception of time must be muddled"

Jeongguk looked at the dragon and then down to his clothing before looking back up with an expression that was of disbelief. "Just because I'm wearing his clothing doesn't mean we're married yet"

"Hold on" Taehyung looked at the warlock, making him look back. "..did you just say yet?" He smirked.

"Hush you" Jeongguk nudged the older one while looking away flustered.

"Stop flirting around me, I'm an old dragon and I certainly do not have time for human's flirting!" Kilgharrah growled.

"Well you'll have to wait a year more then!" Jeongguk shouted to the dragon with a smile. "There isn't much we do right now I'm afraid"

"We can't have you going out from the dungeon without me being in power for less than six months" Taehyung pointed out. "But I guess you already knew that… didn't you?"

Kilgharrah looked between the two males and let out a sigh. "Alright, very well… I shall stay here for another year, but if you forget young warlock, I'll be shouting your name for all to hear!"

"Got it," Jeongguk nodded as he looked at the dragon. "Also, Kilgharrah, one question if I must"

The dragon nodded a little. "How come you're okay with Taehyung marrying me? Of all people"

"Baby-" Taehyung tried to interject thinking that the younger meant status.

"Not like that, hyungie, I merely mean in the bloodline way, that it'll end with you" Jeongguk clarified to his lover.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now