Chapter 45: Dread of The Day.

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Waking up that morning was utter dread. Sure, they enjoyed being in one another's arms and the younger being woken up by the prince's kisses along his cheek and neck; but knowing they may need to go separate ways just for that morning, made it even more difficult for them to be apart. One had training, while the other as they discussed previously, would probably be going to do some more of his studies. Unless something didn't feel right whilst they were at the prince's training ground just outside the castle.

Though the warlock did already have a bad feeling from the moment he woke up. Even though they discussed that the younger should go study, he decided that he wouldn't until he knew that the prince was safe with the other knights and kept out of arm's reach from Bae Joon. Jeongguk didn't like how the knight acted around his lover. The thoughts had plagued him as they got dressed and ready for the long day ahead, breakfast being brought in and having just enough for two, if not more according to Taehyung.

"I really think you should go study more love, I'll be fine" Taehyung placed a hand on the warlock's shoulder as they made their way through the halls of the castle down to where the prince would be training.

"I've already decided that I should come and see just in case, I don't have a good feeling, hyung" Jeongguk explained with a sigh. "If it seems fine, I'll go, but if it isn't and you feel like something is off, I'll stay"

"I can't argue with that.." The prince muttered. "Okay… we can do that" he put his hand out to have the other shake it. "But, if I notice something and tell you to stay, or give you a look or something, you stay, deal?"

"Deal" The warlock nodded as he shook his lover's hand. "I feel like Bae Joon has something planned today…" He spoke softly under his breath in a grumbling tone.

"He might do, who knows?" Taehyung had his face stern and tense as he looked around the halls at the maids doing their jobs, everything seemed to be normal, well as normal as things could be, but different.

"Something… feels off" Jeongguk spoke the prince's thoughts suddenly as he watched the maids do their work. "They're doing everything as normal, but wouldn't there be a few tiny fumbles here or there..?" He spoke in a tone that trailed off near the end.

"I noticed it too, maybe my father was a bit harsh on them recently.." Taehyung wondered.

"Maybe.." the younger shrugged as they continued on their way down the stairs to the outside of the castle and around the path towards the training area.

The knights had been gathered around in five rows of six. These were the new recruits before the summer duels and were in need of training before then, obviously they had more than enough time to train and with the prince teaching and watching over them, it'll run by smoothly. Jin, Hoseok and two others stood waiting.

"Taehyung, you're here!" Jin shouted as he saw the two approach before turning back to the knights who stood. "Knights! The prince will be teaching you the basics for today and then we will do drills for the next few hours" He explained as the other two males stood by him.

"Once the prince has shown you the basics, both Jin-hyung and I will sort you into groups of which you duel one on one with," Hoseok added. "If you have any questions ask them at the end" he turned to give the prince a nod to let him know it was his turn to speak.

"All of you here today, made it through the initial beginning stages, from here on out everything has to be taken seriously, understood?" What he got back was mutters of agreement. "I said, understood!" He shouted in a deeper tone.

"Yes Sire!" All the knights replied in unison.

"Good" Taehyung nodded before turning his head to the four males next to him. "I would like it if you guys could have them split up between us five and each one of us will rotate what we teach them,  I teach my group one thing, you guys do the same with your groups and then we test them and rotate, okay?"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now