Chapter 44: Thinking Of A Plan.

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After the young couple's wash and them getting changed into clean attire, they ventured out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. The warlock, still feeling as tired as before- but if not more, he pouted as he felt his eyelids get heavy and closed as he walked towards the prince's bed, but almost tripped over his step as he went. The older quickly noticed that the younger was about to fall and grabbed Jeongguk by his waist and held his body against his own as he felt the younger rest against his shoulder with a huff.

Taehyung smiled as he picked up the younger in a bridal style way and carried him over to the bed. The warlock had giggled lightly as he was carried, it was out of tiredness and a reaction to the prince carrying him. The older placed the younger male down on the bed and pulled the blankets over him. Taehyung ran to the other side that was closer to the window and slipped in after him.


The warlock's voice soft as he turned to face the prince; who hummed in response as he faced the younger, looking into his doe eyes that had the moonlight shining in them.

"Do we have a plan in regards to Bae Joon?" He looked away for a second, almost thinking, like he was letting his mind wander. "Like what we'd do when we see him tomorrow? Would we act like we don't know of his true intent?"

"We'll act like we know nothing" Taehyung tapped the underside of the younger male's chin. "... then we'll work it out from there.." He let out a sigh.

".... Do you think Ji-hun would protect our secret well?" Jeongguk questioned as he let out a sigh.

Taehyung just smiled, it was one of sincere knowing. "I think he will, no doubt" Then he raised an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just worried about-"

Taehyung placed a finger over the younger's lips. "We've talked about this, love, I will always be with you" The prince moved his hand to the warlock's cheek and caressed it. "Always."

"I know, but.." Jeongguk was hesitant for the first time in a while, he didn't know what words to use.

"But..?" Taehyung urged. "What is it?"

"What if he does convince your father to have you two wed? I don't know if the spell I did the first time is still effective or not, I'm not even sure how long it lasts… clearly not longer than a week.." He swallowed and took a breath. "What I'm saying is, is that… I don't want you to feel trapped like a prisoner…"

Taehyung could clearly hear the other's voice break and stammer, it cracked a bit too. He frowned as he felt the feeling of his heart drop because of the other's fears. Without a second thought, I took the warlock into his arms, circling them around the younger's body and nuzzling his head against Jeongguk's.

"If you're that worried, love… would you want to go down and look into it more while I'm training?" Taehyung asked, but Jeongguk shook his head.

"Not while you're training, I don't trust Bae Joon being there…" He grumbled.

"I will have Hoseok-hyung Jin-hyung, Dae Sung and Ji-hun there to watch my back," Taehyung reassured. "And I'm sure Hoseok-hyung and Jin-hyung are aware of the situation, seeing as Bae Joon has been doing this for a long while"

"Just don't let Bae Joon near you…" Jeongguk pouted, trying to hide his eyes from the prince.

"Jealous bunny," Taehyung teased. "No.. more like a possessive bunny" He let out a light chuckle but stopped when he saw that the younger male was looking away.

"Why are you looking away, hmm?" Taehyung hummed. "Come on, look at me" he tapped the underside of the warlock's jaw. "Let me see your eyes, love"

Jeongguk finally looked at the prince and his eyes had a small glow of gold surrounding the pupils, almost like gold dust. So fine yet so gorgeous in shine. Like flakes of gold, shaven to fine pieces. Taehyung could only smile softly at the colour. He couldn't wait to see how it would look coming from another emotion. Happiness? Maybe. Love? Close. Lust? Definitely. Not just pure lust though, a definite mix of love and lust. He wondered if it would pulsate like it did when the warlock was furious, would it be brighter? Glow more than what it had? Taehyung would have to wait to find out.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now