Chapter 70: Discussion and Discourse.

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It had been a week since the attack. The village had finally finished being rebuilt, and everyone was back to their normal routine of their daily lives. Everyone, including Taehyung and Jeongguk. Now, to say that the announcement of their engagement and of both their magic had yet to be discussed was true. The situation was quite scary for the younger male. Not only does he have to be standing next to his lover whilst Taehyung announces their engagement but also be there when he tells the people of their magic.

So, Taehyung had decided to call his closest friends to the throne room for a meeting to help discuss how he should approach the situation. They were sitting around a table that was brought in by a few knights and then told to stay out of the room whilst the meeting was going.

Taehyung sat closest to the throne at the top end of the round table, with Namjoon at the other end. Next to Taehyung was Jeongguk, who had his eyes fixated on the wood of the table. Hoseok was opposite Jeongguk next to Namjoon. To the physician's right side was Jin. The opposite of Jin was Jimin and Yoongi.

"Well, you'll have to be honest with them," Namjoon pointed out. "They're your people, Taehyung,"

They had been going through their discussion for a while now after telling the others there about their magic. Going back and forth on what would happen; the reactions they'd get from the people, and more so about their magic rather than the engagement.

"I know they're my people, I'm more worried about how they'd react to not only me having magic, but to Jeongguk too…" Taehyung sighed. "I don't know how they'd think or react considering how my father treated those who used magic.."

"But that could be a good thing, you don't know," Yoongi pointed out. "It could be a good reaction,"

"Yeah, Taehyungie, it could be good," Jeongguk tried to reassure. "I've probably told you this, but if I haven't then I'll do it now, but…the people were so sad, they… they were distraught from the loss of that person on the day I arrived." He took a breath and looked right into the older's eyes.

"I don't know how they were before with the other deaths, but I know one thing…. Those people who were killed didn't deserve it. "

There was a silence that settled after Jeongguk had said that. His voice had cracked, but it was stiff with empty emotion.

"He's right, Taehyung," Hoseok spoke up. "You're not like how your father was. You're not him, so the people may be open to you two."

"'s not about…" Taehyung wanted to argue. But thinking about it and looking into everyone's eyes but looking into Jeongguk's last. "..right, yes, I'm me, I'm not my father." He nodded while looking around again.

Taehyung felt a hand slide into his own, and he didn't need to look to know it was the warlock's hand gripping his. He looked down at their hands before looking up and pulling their hands up and placing a kiss against Jeongguk's hand.

"When do you plan to tell the people?" Jin asked.

"Soon," Taehyung nodded. "Soon, maybe in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours…"

"...why not tomorrow?" Jimin questioned. "If not today, why not tomorrow?"

Taehyung felt the younger's hand tighten in his grasp. "I don't think Jeongguk is ready yet,"

"But.. two days to let him get ready? That's too short of a time, " Jimin argued.

"We'll talk privately about it." Taehyung nodded slightly before turning to look at the warlock. "Right, Ggukie?"

Jeongguk looked at his lover and nodded. "Yeah, later tonight, though." He gave a lipped smile that was formed from his nerves.

"I still don't think this is a good idea, though." Jin shook his head.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now