Chapter 95: The Dragon Knows.

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It had been two weeks since the dream, and everything seemed to be fine. Nothing bad had been happening around the king's. Except for the fact that Jeongguk had started to feel ill. Now he didn't know why or understand, he thought that maybe he had caught some stomach bug and couldn't keep certain foods down.

His mornings where calm when he would wake up but as soon as he had the smell of their breakfast hit his nose he would rush out of their bed to their bathroom and throw up stomach acid, not even food as his dinner didn't stay down the night before.

His husband was getting worried. Horrendously worried. Taehyung saw how the other didn't feel well and was having a bad time eating and keeping food down. Maybe they did need to go see the scaled beast to ask what was wrong.

Taehyung had decided that as soon as it hit morning he would start packing a few bags for them and wake up the warlock to have him get changed before they leave to go to a open field to call the beast.

"Baby, wake up." Taehyung shook the younger awake lightly whilst placing kisses on his cheek. Jeongguk shook his head with a pout and a small sleepy groan.

"I know you're still tired, baby, but I've decided that we need to go see Kilgharrah about how you're feeling," Taehyung explained as he spoke softly and quietly.

Jeongguk let out a sigh as he looked up at the other. "Okay…" He whispered out softly.

Taehyung helped him stand up and out of bed before helping him walk to their closet to get something clean and comfortable. Just a loose tunic and baggy pants, even a cloak to help with the cold, too.

Jeongguk groaned a little as he rested his head against the other's chest after getting changed.

"What's wrong, baby? Are you feeling sick again?" Taehyung asked as he rubbed up and down Jeongguk's spine.

"A little, but I'm sure I'll be fine." Jeongguk nodded slightly before he took a deep breath to clear his head and wake up a bit more. "Okay.. should we get going?" 

Taehyung nodded and took hold of the younger's hand. He picked up their bags and carried one over his shoulder while holding the other in his empty hand.

They left their quarters and walked slowly down the halls; both due to how the warlock had been feeling and due to the heavy bags. They decided it was best to leave out the main doors rather than the side stairs as it was of even ground and there wasn't a risk for Jeongguk getting dizzy and falling when walking down the stone stairs.

Taehyung noticed a few knights tending to their horses and thought that it would be best for them both to go on one horse at a slow pace.

"We'll go by horse, is that okay?" Taehyung asked, worried about how the other would act.

"Yeah, that's fine, but if I feel ill, we are stopping," Jeongguk giggled as he rubbed his face and fixed his hair as it felt out of place.

"Alright I'll get the horse ready, just sit and relax till we are ready to go" Taehyung placed a kiss on the younger's forehead before slipping his hand out of the other's and going to his horse in the stables.

Jeongguk looked around for somewhere to sit and saw a stone edge from the centre fountain. He sat down on it and looked around the open area, watching as the children ran around and a few walked with their parents. He let a smile grow on his lips as he watched the children's smiles, but, as if he sensed it, his eyes stopped on a little girl.

She stood in the centre of the crowd; she was crying to herself and looked scared as she looked around for a lost parent.

Jeongguk got to his feet and almost ran over to the little girl, but approached her gently and made sure she saw him before he squatted down to face her and take her small shaky hands.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now