Chapter 87: Is He Really..?

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A few days had passed as Namjoon had mentioned in regards to the spell to test the blood samples to see if the older man was related to Jeongguk. Namjoon had been keeping an eye on the spell as it was a potion that was done over time, and the spell mixed with the ingredients needed for it. He had to make sure it wouldn't explode or tip over for anything like that as the spell circled around the two vials of liquid mixed with the two males' blood.

If it was a match, the liquids would move to a separate vial that had been set but the two in the same magical circle. If it wasn't, the liquids would stay in the same vials as they were in when the spell started. Namjoon wanted to watch to see if the liquids would move to the single vial or not. He had never seen this spell in action before, so it was both exciting and nerve-racking.

Then, just as the sun was rising and Namjoons eyelids were fluttering closed, he shook his head to keep himself awake and keep his eyes on the three vials with the magical circle around it He let out a sigh as he blinked and felt his eyes flutter again but as he felt himself drifting again, he saw the magical circle start to move and twist in a way so that the liquid from the vials rose within the vials, going up and up and out and towards the third empty vial. The other two vials are now empty.

The warlock and the older gentleman were related. Father and son.

Namjoon shot up from where he was leaning on his desk and ran out of his quarters and upstairs to where the king and soon to be king were sleeping soundly. He ran past a few maids and servants who were just starting their morning work.

Once he got to their door, he quickly knocked against the door, quite hard, enough to hurt his knuckles against the wooden door. Namjoon took in deep breaths as he waited for the door to open.

Namjoon was looking around the halls as he waited for the door to be open, but as soon as he heard the door open, he turned his head back to look at the open door. He saw Taehyung standing there, hair messy from sleep, shirtless and yawning.

"What's wrong, Namjoon-hyung? The sun just rose…" Taehyung groaned.

"It's ready," Namjoon nodded.

It took a few seconds to let what the physician said settle. ".. What?"

Taehyung felt his sleepiness wash away. "What do you mean, it's ready? Is the spell done?" He asked.

"Yes, it's done, and you need to see before I explain," Namjoon told the other.

"Yeah, okay, let me go wake Ggukie then we'll come down soon.." Taehyung nodded and was about to turn to go and wake the warlock but stopped. "Oh - and get the gentleman as well,"
Namjoon nodded before he ran back down the hall, leaving the king to close the door again.

Taehyung signed by the door and turned to look back at his sleeping husband. Jeongguk had stirred from the older getting up but went right back to sleep after, so his head was nuzzled against his pillow. Taehyung smiled at how the younger had just gone back to sleep. It was cute how Jeongguk could just fall back to sleep.

"Baby~" Taehyung called softly as he walked back over to the warlock before placing his hand on the warlock's waist and rubbing his hand up and down the other's side. "Darling, come on, wake up, Namjoon-hyung has some news about that gentleman and you,"

Jeongguk just groaned and let out a sigh as he continued to hide his face into this pillow. Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully before leaning down and placing kisses all around Jeongguk's nape, neck, and ear to wake him up.

"Come on, love," Taehyung hummed in the younger male's ear.

"Hyung…" Jeongguk pouted. "But I'm tried.."

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now