Chapter 74: "Please Do Visit"

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Whilst the king and warlock were preparing the things needed for the younger's coronation before they start on the wedding preparations, they had realized that they needed to move some of the younger's things from the quarters Jeongguk used to stay in when he arrived. Though there wasn't much to bring up, they still needed to as the warlock had been living up in the castle with his lover.

They decided to move the younger ones' things as the first job of the morning when they woke up. Though this day wouldn't be as busy as the previous ones, it still would be fairly busy.

"How many of your things need to be brought up?" Taehyung asked as he slipped on a belt and made sure it was fastened properly.

"Not much, hyungie, I only had a medium-sized bag I had brought with me with a few items of clothing and not much else." Jeongguk shook head.

They were standing in their quarters and about to go down to Namjoon's quarters after Taehyung had gotten dressed. Jeongguk was already dressed and waiting whilst sitting on their bed watching the older man fix himself up.

"Do you think we should bring up that book you were learning from?" Taehyung asked as he turned around to face the other.

"We'll talk about that with Namjoon-hyung and see what he says." Jeongguk smiled. "He may want to keep it down with him so we can go down and get it at any point to study." He shrugged as he stood up.

"That's true," The king nodded. "Come one then, let's get your things." He held out his hand for the younger, who took it lovingly. Jeongguk nodded,  and they both walked to the door of their quarters to leave.

Once out and into the hall,  their grip on each other's hands grew tighter. Unlike how before they would have to let go of each other's hands, this time they could show their affections without being judged. Even if it was just a simple hand hold; it meant so much more to them. A small simple step is more than enough.

"It's nice to finally show you off," Taehyung flirted with the other. "I don't have to hide my affections any longer." He smiled.

"I'm happy about it to,o" the warlock nodded as he squeezed the other hand in their grip. "We don't have to be weary about it anymore." He smiled.

There were glazes from the maids and knights that were soft like a calm breeze. Refreshing to their minds and to the atmosphere. Everything was so peaceful. Nothing evil stands in their way of their happiness. Just pure calmness.

As they walked down the halls and towards the level that the warlock knew well from over the years. They came to the familiar door that was surrounded by red silk. He remembered his first day down on this level. He had bared witness to someone being beheaded for using magic. Oh, how have the times changed.

Jeongguk knocked. It was light but heavy enough for someone to hear. The door opened with a small creek, and Namjoon smiled at the two who stood.

"Taehyung, Jeongguk, what brings you two here?" Namjoon asked as he gestured for the two to enter the room.

"We are here to collect Jeongguk's thing's" Taehyung explained as the warlock let go of their hands to walk to his old quarters in the back of the room.

"Oh? Is he officially moving up there with you?" Namjoon watched through the door frame as the youngest collected his things.

"Yes," Taehyung nodded. "His clothing is being prepared, his coronation to,  and soon the wedding preparations will be too."

The physician nodded. "Right," he replied. "How long will that take to plan the wedding, do you know?"

The king hummed before replying. "Not too sure, it may take a few months or more, you know to sort out the food and have the correct materials be shipped over to our kingdom if we can't find it here"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now