Chapter 38: Some Alone Time.

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The knights had moved from their groups and crowded around the prince who had been waiting for them to be ready for the first hunt of the day. The sounds of their iron armor clanging as they walked and became silent as they stood still. Taehyung kept his jaw tight, thinking of how to approach the first hunt of the morning and in a new area, with the potential of seeing the unicorn they've been warned about. He skimmed over all the knights carefully, reading their faces and raised an eyebrow when he saw a few chatting quietly to themselves and laughing abit.

"Knights! As you may know we are in a new area of hunting ground, you all have been warned of the unicorn that is walking around in the forest and have been advised not to harm it or even more so kill it" He stopped to regain his thoughts. "So if you see it, walk away."

"What can we hunt then?" A Knight asked suddenly.

"Rabbit, deer, sheep, goat and boar" Taehyung replied as he nodded. "The same as normal"

Taehyung took a breath and glanced back at Jeongguk, who was standing behind him and then looked to Jin, who stood watching over the knights before locking eyes and nodding to the prince.

"I would like each of you to hunt in three big groups, each group must elect a leader for this hunt, that way we can bring more back for both meals here and meals for the castle" Taehyung ordered. "Don't forget to grab your crossbows before you leave"

"Yes sire!" Was heard as a shout before they all separated into fairly equal big three groups and walked to pick up their crossbows before they walked off into the forest with each group having a respective leader out in front.

"I'll watch over each group as I patrol, Taehyung," Jin smiled as he walked to his horse.

"Good, do tell me if anything happens, we'll be joining along soon" Taehyung replied as he nodded and waved goodbye to the older.

"Hyungie, what do you mean by soon?" Jeongguk asked as he stepped closer to his boyfriend.

"Well, to be honest, I just wanted some alone time with my baby, that's all" Taehyung turned to the younger with an innocent smile and cupped the other's cheeks, squishing them and making the other look as if he had a pout.

"We had alone time in our tent, both last night and this morning" The warlock giggled at the other's actions.

"Well, that and I wanted to kiss my sweet boyfriend without more than a dozen eyes watching us" The red haired male chuckled.

"Come on then, don't leave me hanging" Jeongguk giggled as he placed his hands over the olders and moved them so they'd be off his face.

As the warlock moved the elders hands, the prince leant in and placed a light, soft kiss on the younger's lips. The feeling was as soft as pillows, one's that were filled with feathers and wrapped in soft flannelette cloth. Though as they slipped more into it, it started to feel more like silk and slippery. Pressing harder and becoming needy, as the prince pushed the warlock up against the tree making Jeongguk let out a whimper.

His arms switched to be placed around the prince's neck, around the olders hands pressing against the warlock's hips and stomach. Their breathing hitting each others faces as they pull away to take a breath, only to land back together as they breathe through their noses and nudge the sides of their noses as they delved deeper into the needy feeling that probably had been building up for the past few weeks with each kiss, cuddle and look.

"W..wait" Jeongguk stammered out through the kiss. All he got was a hum from the older as the prince broke the kiss and lowered his lips to the warlock's jaw and neck.

"T-..tae, wait, we shouldn't do this here" Jeongguk bit his lip as he felt the prince's teeth graze his skin. "Not in the woods anyway-"

"Oh shit-" Taehyung pulled back to look at the warlock's eyes. "Oh fuck, you're right, wrong timing" he stepped away abit, only for the warlock to pull him into a hug.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now