Chapter 49: "Why Did You Call Me?"

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It was later in the evening, the young couple fast asleep in the prince's bed. At least that was for a few hours; the warlock had groaned as he buried his head into the pillow beneath it and let out a sigh. There was a tickling at his ear of the feeling of warmth, not human warmth mind you, it was of a certain reptile he loathed so much. Just a call of the warlock's name had woken him from his peaceful slumber. Jeongguk was annoyed beyond anger, he just wanted to sleep more after a long day. That's all he wanted.


Jeongguk tried blocking his ears with his hands, burying his head further into his pillow. But it didn't stop the sound of the dragon's booming voice. He let out a huff of defeat as he sat up from the prince's bed and stretched abit, still feeling the prince's arm around his waist. His back was turned as he was unaware if Taehyung had woken up or not.


"Alright, Alright, I'm coming you useless reptile…" he grumbled as he stood up but was pulled back by Taehyung.

"Where are you going off to.." Taehyung yawned as he rested his head against the younger's shoulder. " this time of night, love?" He asked.

"That damned dragon is calling for me to talk…" Jeongguk groaned. "Why can't he just ask during the day..?" He whined.

"So you wouldn't be caught, that's why…" Taehyung pointed out. "...I'll even come with you"

"What no, Tae, you need sleep" Jeongguk shook his head as he disagreed with the prince's suggestion.

"And you do too, but it's better if I come with you anyway, I want to hear what the dragon has to say" Taehyung sat up and slipped out of bed pulling on a robe to cover his upper body.

"Why..?" Jeongguk asked as he got up and watched Taehyung walk around to him.

"What he has to say to you, he can say in front of me" The older male reasoned as he wrapped an arm around Jeongguk's waist to guide him while walking.

Jeongguk just looked at the prince, his eyes wide for a second before relaxing into a soft eye smile before a smaller smile appeared on his lips. He couldn't believe he was able to land such a loving boyfriend, and a prince at that. Though that title didn't matter to him, it never did. It was just a surprise to him that he was able to even be equal with Taehyung, then again maybe he shouldn't be when the prince always treated anyone who'd you assume would be of a lower class to him, with nothing but kindness and respect.

"Okay, hopefully it's nothing too serious and only just him wanting an update on the situation" The warlock huffed as they made their way out of the prince's quarters.

The two quietly as they could, slipped out of the door and made their way down the halls, only using the moonlight through the window as a guide for now. They wouldn't know who would be awake during this time of night so they didn't want to risk the warlock using his magic to light a torch, when they were closer to the prison level of the castle that's when Jeongguk would light a torch.

Taehyung had been very ambient about protecting the warlock, making sure Jeongguk didn't need to use his magic unless they were alone or away from prying eyes. The younger understood this well, he too was ambient in making sure not to use his magic around anyone but Namjoon and Taehyung. They both were just as protective over it as they were of each other.

When they got to the prison level, Jeongguk took an unlit torch and whispered the spell to light it, just in case there might be someone watching them from the shadows. Taehyung watched over his shoulder, looking up and down the hall without moving away from the warlock's side. Jeongguk nodded his head when the prince looked at him and they ventured down the stone stairs.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now