Chapter 56: Questions.

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There was a soft humming in the morning air. It was calm, collected and relaxing. Though it did reflect the stare of the warlock as he held his lover in his arms, they had shifted at one point for the prince to lay against the warlock's chest; his cold hand still lay upon the other's forehead in hopes of helping the pain, it did but the warlock had to recast the spell every once in a while when the prince flinched from the pain. Jeongguk had yet to take his eyes off his sleeping lover, but when he did he looked to the windows.

What he saw was the night sky fading away as the sun rose, shifting the darker blues to a pink then to an orange and then a yellow back to a greenish colour and finally back to a light blue with wisps of clouds and birds flying by.

Jeongguk heard a soft knocking on the door and slowly moved his head to face who was there. He was Namjoon and let out a sigh of relief, thankful it was only him and not any of the knights. He didn't want to explain why his hand was on the prince's forehead.

" he okay..?" Namjoon questioned as he stepped forward.

"I'm not too sure, he's been asleep for the past few hours.." Jeongguk yawned. "I didn't sleep, I couldn't… he needed me" He looked down at the prince who was now sleeping peacefully.

"Not even a few hours sleep?" The physician asked.

"Not even that… anytime he'd flinch, I'd make sure my hand was cold enough for him" He sighed. "I can barely feel it now, but it'll be fine, I'll let it warm up properly later, he comes first…"

"What are you going to do? He'll have questions about it" Namjoon sat down at the end of the bed facing the warlock. "He trusts you the most, you know, the only good trustworthy warlock he knows" He chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"...I might take him to Kilgharrah, he'll know…" the warlock nodded as he looked back outside.

"Do you want me to get a knight to get you two some breakfast?"

"They're still out there?" Jeongguk wondered as he looked back to the physician.

"Yes, they all slept outside against the walls, in case you or Taehyung needed anything…" Namjoon looked down at the sleeping prince. "Though I doubt Taehyung needed anything but you"

Jeongguk only hummed as he looked down at Taehyung who was still asleep in his arms. The prince's arms were wrapped around the warlock so tightly that Jeongguk could only assume Taehyung was scared that he would leave; not that he ever would.

"I'll let the knights know to bring something for you two" Namjoon stood up but stopped in his tracks. "A cup of tea maybe too?"

"Oh that'll be great, especially for Taehyungie.." Jeongguk smiled as he brushed the prince's hair with his fingers softly.

"Of course," Namjoon smiled.

"Oh and Namjoon-hyung…?" Jeongguk called, making the elder stop and turn to him. 


"Thank you, really," Jeongguk smiled.

"No need" The physician shook his head as he left the room once again allowing the two to be alone.

Jeongguk let out a sigh as he continued to brush his fingers through Taehyung's hair; the colour still bright red as it was before, he wasn't sure if it was going to change or not, it may grown out and go back to its original colour but he wouldn't know for sure.


Jeongguk heard the prince hum against his chest. He'd guess that the older male had finally woken up.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now