Chapter 72: All's Well, Then End's Well.

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The morning was daunting on the king's mind as soon as he had awoken from his sleep. Taehyung had been pacing back and forth in front of their bed. The warlock was still asleep peacefully, so the older was quiet whilst doing so. The king was trying to figure out what to say to his people, what to announce and how to say it. There were so many words to use, but he couldn't figure out the right ones to even think of, let alone say.

He huffed softly as he ruffled his hair between both hands, messing it up so it stood up in all directions between his fingers. Taehyung let out a slow breath before slowly removing his hands from his head; hair still sticking up. He has failed to hear the shuffling next to him from the bed.

"Tae..?" The warlock questioned in a groggy tone. "What's wrong…? Hmm?" He sat up in their bed.

Before Taehyung could respond, the warlock stood up from their bed and walked to the male who had stilled from him talking.

"Did.. did I wake you? I'm sorry if I did, " Taehyung apologized right away as he turned around to face the younger's still tired eyes.

"That doesn't matter, hyung.." Jeongguk frowned. "You messed up your hair." He spoke through his pout as he reached up to fix his lover's hair.

Taehyung sighed as he wrapped his hands around Jeongguk's waist. "..I'm just overthinking"

".. About the announcement?" Jeongguk softly questioned. He let out a breath through his nose as he looked down. "..I'm also nervous too,"

"You shouldn't be, I'm the one who has to speak, and that being said… I don't know what to say to them." Taehyung closed his eyes.

Jeongguk looked up at the older man's closed eyes. He moved his hands, which were finally done fixing the other's hair, to Taehyung's shoulders. He thought for a moment before slowing lowering his right hand down the fabric of the tunic the other was wearing, his eyes following as he did and rubbed over the stop near the middle of Taehyung's chest, over the place where his heart was beneath.

"You'll listen to your heart," Jeongguk said. "Your heart knows the right words." his eyes shifted from looking at his hand to looking up at the king's eyes, which had opened.

"..I love you so much, you know that?" Taehyung smiled. "That was from my heart,"

Jeongguk smiled back. "Good, more like that and less unsure." He felt the other's grip tighten on his waist. "Now come on, it's best we get it over and done with now,"

"You're right," Taehyung nodded whilst slowly letting go of the younger's waist, giving it little squeezes as he did.

They both walked off to their closet and sorted out clothing that will both show that Jeongguk is a former personal servant and will be by the king's side. Formal clothing and not clothing that would signify his status before. A white flowy shirt that would button up, tucked into his pants that were tight fitted and close to that of charcoal in colour.

"You look so pretty, baby." Taehyung smiled as he tied the front of his furred cape and put his crown on.

"You're the one who chose it out for me," Jeongguk giggled. "But the white? I'm worried it'll stain. "

"Nonsense, you look beautiful." Taehyung shook his head. "It makes you look like an angel, and people will find your beauty so breathtaking that they'll have to love you… well, including who you are." He walked over to the warlock.

"Let's hope everything goes well.." Jeongguk took a staggered breath.

"It will," Taehyung smiled. "Come, let's head to the balcony, I'll inform a Knight to gather up the village on the way." He took the younger's hand in his.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now