Chapter 54: A Broken Down Wall.

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There was an anxious silence in the room as all the knights, physician, warlock and prince sat around the slowly dying king who lay in his bed. Taehyung had been sitting by his father's side deep in thought, trying to work out a way to address his people about the situation at hand. He knew he'd have to be strong. Both mentally and emotionally. He'd have to keep his voice steady and strong for his people, to not let them see how it has affected him. He had to be the prime example of powering through. 

The prince stood up from his chair and made his way out of his father's quarters with the warlock following behind out of both worry and curiosity as to what the other would say to the people. Taehyung walked to the main balcony that the warlock had seen on his first day in the village. It was looking down on the village and had a gorgeous view of the landscape beyond. 

Taehyung stepped out with a firm, solemn look on his face. His eyes held his emotion but no one would be able to see from below. His jaw had been clenched but he released it as he took a breath and swallowed a nervous gulp. 

Jeongguk was a few steps behind his love; knowing that if the other needed him, he would come to him. The warlock would never push him to talk. 

"My people, I have a devastating announcement!" Taehyung shouted off the balcony as everyone froze in their places and looked up at the prince. 

"My father, the king, has been poisoned and will die in the next forty-eight hours, if you wish to say your goodbyes please alert one of the knights and they'll take you to him, if not I understand" Taehyung took a breath. "Thank you, you may go on with your night" 

He turned to walk back as he heard the crowd gasp and talk amongst themselves silently. Taehyung stopped before the warlock and took him by his right wrist, pulling him softly along as if he were gesturing for the younger to follow him. 

Jeongguk just let the other do what he wanted. He wasn't sure what the other needed but he had a guess. It was private, just between the two of them. 

They walked towards the prince's quarters and the prince had shut the door behind them as they had entered. There was this silence in the room that was so still, you could hear leaf drop. 

"Taehyungie… what's wrong?" Jeongguk asked softly as he watched the prince's back as it moved with his breathing; it was heavy and almost sounded like it was shaking. 

"He's going to be gone… my own father, even though I hated him, I never wished for his death… he'll be gone…" Taehyung had turned to face the warlock, tears building in his eyes as he covered his face in his hands. "My only blood related family, gone…" 

"Taehyungie…" Jeongguk sighed. He didn't know what to say, he knew how his lover was feeling. Jeongguk could see how distraught the other looked. He stepped forward and then another. Closer and closer to the prince. 

Jeongguk just pulled the prince into his embrace. He held the back of the prince's head and wrapped his other arm around Taehyung's body. 

"You'll be okay, I'll be here every step of the way," Jeongguk whispered softly into the prince's ear.

"He's my father… first my mother and now my father.." the prince sobbed loudly into the warlock's shoulder. "...I'll have no one" 

"You'll have me" Jeongguk placed his hands onto the prince's face and looked him in the eyes. "I'll always be here for you, Taehyungie… always" 

Taehyung looked into the warlock's eyes. Tears still dripped from his own and down his cheeks. He could feel the warlock swipe his cheeks with his thumbs softly wiping away his tears. The prince couldn't help but feel his heart flutter when he felt Jeongguk do the softest motion. He knew he was in too deep, he couldn't help but like it. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now