Chapter 94: Do You Know What It Means?

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The couple had called Yoongi to come to the throne room the very morning after they woke up. They were curious if the warlock had similar abilities to that of Yoongis. They weren't sure if it was a one-off thing or something that could happen more than once. Either way, the warlock just wanted to know some answers.

The three of them sat in the throne room. Jeongguk had explained what happened in regards to his dream and the state he was in afterwards. He even explained the feeling he had in his stomach along with the need to be in the moonlight.

Yoongi looked between the two.  His eyes darted back and forth. His jaw clenched as he took in what the youngest male had explained before taking in a deep breath.

"Well.." Yoongi started. "At least it wasn't a nightmare." He shrugged.

"Well, yes.. at least it wasn't but…" Jeongguk sighed. "..has the urge to always be in the moonlight happen to you?" He asked.

"Initially, yes." Yoongi nodded. "But that had subsided after a few… I'd say months..?" He couldn't quite remember as it had been years since he was at that stage.

"Months?" Taehyung asked as he gave the warlock a worried glance.

"Yes, but that was because I was having nightmares nearly every day before I met Namjoon, but the urge to be in the moonlight went away long before I met him," Yoongi explained.

"So it could happen again…" Jeongguk sighed.

"We don't know that, Jeongguk, it has only happened once with a normal dream, not a nightmare… we'll have to wait and see if you get another normal dream and if the feeling comes back" Yoongi replied setting up an initial plan for the younger- sort of the base work for it.

"Yoongi-hyung..?" Taehyung asked suddenly after a few seconds. "Have you had any nightmares recently? Anything regarding us?"

Yoongi looked at Taehyung before he glanced at Jeongguk. He took a breath before swallowing a gulp.

"You go and see that… dragon again in a different part of the forest, in a open field, you ask questions about something, I'm not sure what as there wasn't any sound other than the dragon's wings in the wind" Yoongi shook his head as if to say not to worry about it.

"That's all I can remember right now.." He added.

"I wonder why you'll call him…" Taehyung thought aloud to the warlock.

"I wonder why, too.." Jeongguk sighed. "We'll have to see, I guess.. Yoongi-hyung, do you know when this will happen?" He asked.

Yoongi thought for a minute, weighing his options and taking a guesstimate of when. "About… two weeks' time?"

"Two weeks.. huh?" Jeongguk muttered. "Okay.. we'll have to make sure to keep any eye out for anything that would seem odd or out of place. "

"I'll tell the knights to do the same." Taehyung gave a smile.

"And.. I'll let you two know if I see anything, " Yoongi added with a smile to them both.

"Thank you, Yoongi-hyung," Jeongguk thanked the other. Yoongi gave a small nod before he stood up from the table they sat at.

"Oh, and one more thing before I leave.." Yoongi started. "I just remembered something from my nightmare… it was a cloudless night,"

"Thank you again, Yoongi-hyung," Taehyung replied with a smile. "We'll keep an eye out for that and everything else in the next two weeks." He nodded.

"Good," Yoongi replied. "I'll be off now, I promised Jimin I'd take him on a date," He chuckled.

"When did you ask him?" Jeongguk asked.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now