Chapter 76: Please Do Go And Watch The Water.

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There were murmurs echoing around the halls at the entrance of the castle. The knights stood talking amongst themselves. They were talking about their families and where they were from, along with childhood stories. They were all waiting for the king and his fiance to come and tell them where they were going.

They were called to the entrance by the king the day previous and were told to meet there a few hours after sunrise. They didn't know exactly why they were called, but they didn't mind helping the king and his lover.

There was the sound of footsteps echoing the halls, which made the knights look up, and they saw Taehyung with his crown on his head and in his robe. Jeongguk had on his new clothes, a more fitted royal attire for the role he'll obtain.

"Good, good, all of you are here!" Taehyung smiled as he greeted the knights.

"Sire, why were we called to meet here?" Ji-hun asked as he stepped forward.

"I've asked you all here today to do something for Jeongguk and mine's wedding." Taehyung smiled. "We'd like for you- now I know not all would like to so that's okay, but we'd like for you to go to Jeongguk's old village and watch the water of the river as it comes in and out."

"That's..all?" Another knight asked. "No killing that dragon that got away?"

"No, the dragon was banished by me. He'll never come back," Jeongguk replied. "Not unless I call upon him." He shook his head.

"Why do we need to go to his old village?" Another piped up from the back of the group.

"I have an idea for the wedding and I would like to know when the water is at its highest and at its lowest, I would like you to keep track of the motion." Jeongguk explained carefully. "Please go and watch the water."

"That's all?" Ji-hun asked. "How long do we stay?"

"A few days, at most a week," Taehyung nodded. "Just record your findings and relax." He smiled.

"Please treat it as a vacation and not training," Jeongguk smiled. "Enjoy your time there,"

"Of course, Your Highness, we can do that." Ji-hun nodded before he turned to look at the group behind him. "Is there anyone who would rather stay back?"

Then there was a mantra of 'no' from the knights as they shook their heads to push their point forward.

"I hope you guys enjoy it." Taehyung smiled as he placed an arm around Jeongguk's waist. "Don't forget why you're going through," He warned.

"Of course, and thank you." Ji-hun nodded with a smile and led the knights out of the entrance of the castle. "Knights! Let's pack a good meal for the road!"


"Let's do that!"

"Let's not forget our tents and warmer blankets -"

Then the door closed behind them, cutting off their conversations. The couple laughed at the reaction they received and were glad that they knights didn't mind going and watching water as well as getting a small vacation.

"I do hope they remember to note down the water levels, it's been a while since I've watched it but I do remember it changes every once in a while, I just don't remember during what season" Jeongguk sighed with a light smile.

"I'm sure they will, now come along we need to look at the progress of how your crown is coming along" Taehyung directed the younger male by his waist to turn around and walk back into the main part of the castle.

"Do you think it will be ready?" The warlock asked curiously. " might be too soon,"

"Whatever condition it is in, it's good to see its progress," Taehyung explained. "I don't think it'll be ready now but closer to our wedding,"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now