Chapter 2: A Dragon's Roar.

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The night of the warlock's arrival to the kingdom had been well, he had a good supper that consisted of bread and a nice warm chicken soup. He was thankful for the meal that was made by the physician and they told a few stories about their past as they ate, though it was mostly Namjon telling the stories as Jeongguk couldn't recall any at the time being. So instead he listened and laughed with the older as they enjoyed their supper. When they had finished, Jeongguk had offered to wash the dishes as he was the guest but Namjoon declined as the younger had a long journey and needed to rest. 

With a simple hug and a small thank you, Jeongguk walked to his small room, closing the door behind him and almost fell to his bed as he took his shoes off and over shirt. He sighed as he saw the moon's light glowing but not the moon yet through the small window to his right. He got as comfortable as he could, which was surprisingly on his stomach and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over him. 


He tossed a bit in his sleep with a huff and decided to ignore whatever that sound was. 


The sound was quiet but the warlock knew he could ignore it easily. He nuzzled his head into his pillow and then let sleep take him once again. 


He didn't know when he awoke again but he almost fell out of bed from how loud the voice had gotten. The warlock looked up at his window and rubbed his head easing the pain he got when he hit his head on the ground. He saw the moon high in the sky and assumed it had been a few hours since he tried to sleep before. With a quiet huff he got up and slipped his shoes on. 

He opened his door as quietly as he could as he watched his newly found mentor sleeping peacefully in his head. Jeongguk let out a slow breath as he was glad his door didn't squeak as it opened. He tipped toed quietly through the main room, using the moonlight as his only light source as he made his way to the main door. He opened it and pushed it slowly, hoping it wouldn't make a loud sound. Thankfully it didn't. With one last glance at his mentor he slipped out and closed the door behind him slowly. 

Jeongguk looked around and tried to make out if there were any unlit torches around, he walked around for a bit and noticed one due to the moonlight. He smiled and grabbed the torch. He knew one spell from when he was younger than his eomma taught him to light fires to keep the two of them warm during the night. Though he tried his best to remember what it was, he hummed and bit his lip a few times trying to remember. 

" igne" he spoke softly while looking at the torch. His eyes glowed a golden colour as the spell went into effect and the torch caught fire. 

"Huh… glad I still remember" he whispered. 


He turned his head to trying and figure out where the voice was coming from. He figured out that it was coming from the dungeons that the prince had shown him earlier that day. So he turned to the way he came and ran down the hall towards the dungeons. There was a staircase that went down to a lower level and he went as fast as he could down the stairs without tripping. Jeongguk held the torch up higher so it would illuminate the space better for his eyes. 


He heard the voice again, but this time louder. He knew he was getting closer to the source of the voice. Jeongguk quietly went past a few sleeping guards on duty and almost held his breath as he walked past. He stopped for a second when he saw a door at the end of a hall. He slowly approached the door and waited to see if it was the right one.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now