Chapter 81: The Knights News.

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It had been a few days since their night out, and it was the day the couple expected the knights to return from their little vacation. The king and his lover were waiting in the throne room for their arrival. They were busy going over final decisions for their wedding and making sure everything was set and ready for the day.

Jeongguk was making sure that the invitation list was accurate and didn't have repeated names on it or had someone they didn't want or know on it. He did ask Taehyung every now and then if he knew the person or not just to make sure that he did. If he didn't, Jeongguk would cross the name off. If he did know the person, Jeongguk would leave it be.

"Sire! Sire!" A male shouted to gain the attention of the two males as he walked into the throne room.

"Yes? What is it?" Taehyung asked as he looked up from a list of food items.

"The knights have returned," the male exclaimed. "They're just placing their horses back into the stables and sorting their belongings now,"

The couple gave each other a look with a smile and then looked back to the male who came in. Without a second beat, the king spoke.

"Thank you for letting us know. Do send them in when they're ready," Taehyung replied with a gentle look in his eyes.

"Of course, sire," the male bowed before leaving the throne room and leaving the couple alone again.

"Thank goodness they came back on time," Jeongguk spoke up. "I was starting to worry," He nibbled at his bottom lip.

"They listened to you, to us, you shouldn't have needed to worry about it, baby." Taehyung placed a kiss against the warlock's forehead after he moved his hair out of the way. "Besides, I bet they had a wonderful time,"

"I hope they took note of the water for me…" Jeongguk muttered in a pout. "It'll be perfect if they did,"

"I'm sure they did," Taehyung reassured with a subtle nod. "Or at least someone hopefully did…" He joked.

"Not helping hyungie," Jeongguk raised an eyebrow, then rolled his eyes as he shook his head playfully.

"Sire!" The male from before had returned walking in slowly after he walked through the doors.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now