Chapter 68: Rebuild.

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After the attack that was caused by Kilgharrah, Jeongguk still felt guilty. He felt like it was his own fault; he blamed himself for the destruction of the village. So when he woke up the next morning, he was quiet with remorse. Jeongguk watched as Taehyung took control of the situation in the village and sorted out the groups that would help each villager to build their new home and help replant crops. The warlock loved how his fiance took control of the situation, but he still felt that it was his fault and it ate away at him inside.

Taehyung took note of how quiet the younger one was and could tell that Jeongguk still felt guilty about it. It really wasn't the warlock's fault. The overgrown lizard tricked him and played with his trust in order to be freed. With a few final words to a few knights asking questions about where the broken pieces would go, Taehyung turned around and walked back to his fiance; who was sitting on the stairs out front of the castle doors still looking gloomy as last night.

"Baby, do you still blame yourself?" Taehyung asked quietly with a sorrowful expression.

"It really was, though. I was the one who let him out.." Jeongguk muttered as he covered his face.

"He tricked you, love, he broke his promise to you, it was his fault, not yours." Taehyung moved closer to the warlock. "You weren't the one who did the damage. It was him."

"..when you put it like that, it makes me feel better," Jeongguk sighed as he looked up from behind his hands. "... but I was the one who set him free. "

"You two had a deal, once you were married…" Taehyung stopped and hummed whilst realizing something but continued. "'d set him free, you didn't know he would do this."

"Yeah.. I didn't.. you're right. " Jeongguk laid his head against the other's shoulder.

"He did say marriage, right?" Taehyung asked while wrapping his arm around Jeongguk's shoulders. "..but we're engaged.."

"He didn't care about the difference between them…marriage.. engagement, they were the same to him. " Jeongguk shook his head. "Probably some weird dragon mating thing that we don't know about," He laughed.

"Probably," Taehyung shook his head. "But we'll never know."

"One day.. when I go to call him, for whatever reason, " the warlock rolled his eyes.

"That is true," the king hummed.

The two watched as the knights and the villagers deconstructed the broken, burnt, and falling apart buildings and built new, stronger housing for the families who needed it from the fires. The couples' eyes followed the children as they played, only keeping an eye on them so the children didn't get hurt. Jeongguk closed his eyes and relaxed against Taehyung's shoulder.

The older one watched everything, making sure it was going smoothly. He knew that the mothers would come to the children's aid as soon as they could if the children got hurt in any way. Though without looking, he heard someone approach them.

"Your highness, there have been some rumours going around about you and… Jeongguk, " a girl from the village whose hair was a mouse brown spoke softly, yet there was some malice in her tone.

"... I was wondering if you could shed some light on it, explain that it's just a misunderstanding. " she tucked her hair behind her ear.

Taehyung didn't look at her. He knew how these types of girls acted. Seemingly nice about something but really would be judgemental about whatever they were asking about. He really didn't want to deal with it whilst Jeongguk was in his arms.

"What do these rumours go about saying?" Taehyung asked. He wanted to know what people were saying about Jeongguk and him.

"Oh.. they were saying how you two had been seen last night, Jeongguk in your arms, bridal style… and when questioned by the knights they stated that they wouldn't confirm nor deny accusations of you two being a couple.." The girl cleared her throat as she gave a smile that was one of feeling cocky.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now