Chapter 9: Golden Clasps and Taps.

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The sound of birds chirping outside the prince's open window had been the first sound that the warlock heard that morning as he blinked softly as he woke up. Jeongguk had one eye closed as he moved his head away from the other's neck as confusion settled in. He pouted a bit before remembering what happened during the night and buried his head back down into the prince's neck with embarrassment seeping through his body. 

Jeongguk let out a sigh as he settled back against the prince's neck. Soon he realised that he needed to get out of the bed and actually wake the prince for the day. Slipped out of Taehyung's arms, with some struggle and stood up from the bed. He scrunched his nose as he noticed the smell of his clothing and wished he could go clean himself. Jeongguk sighed as he debated on running down to his quarters but he didn't know how much time he had to spare. He rubbed his face out of frustration and groaned softly. 

"Why are you just..standing there Gguk-ah?" Taehyung asked with a yawn falling from his lips as he sat up in his bed.

"Oh- uhm… I was debating on whether or not I should go quickly get into clean clothing and wash up before we start your day" he turned to face the prince with a weak smile. 

"You can just shower with me, it'll be fine" Taehyung shrugged as he got out of his bed. 

"Shower with… you?" Jeongguk blinked with disbelief. He shouldn't accept it. He shouldn't.  

"Yes, it'll be a lot quicker and you can just borrow some of my clothing" Taehyung replied as if it wasn't a big deal. The warlock looked at him as if he was talking absolute nonsense. 

"I.. I don't..know-" 

"It's okay, don't worry Gguk-ah" Taehyung smiled as he grabbed the other's wrist and dragged him to the bathroom. 

The room had tiles that were the colour of dried sand. The showers railings and the shower head were made from gold, along with the towel racks and sink. The shower head was one that was an overhead style, while the space under it was pretty big, enough to fit two people. There was a mirror by the sink that had gold surrounding the frame and gold in the sink. The cabinets had a bone white colour with golden handles. There was a mat of the colour cream on the floor. 

"Wow… it's so pretty.." Jeongguk muttered softly in astonishment as he looked around the bathroom as the prince closed the door behind them. 

"It sure is, now come on strip" Taehyung smiled. Jeongguk looked at the prince nervously as he gripped at his undershirt. 

"... tell you what, I'll go in first and then you can take your time going in after okay?" Taehyung suggested as he rubbed the younger's back. 

"Okay, Thank you.." he nodded.

Taehyung smiled. Jeongguk quickly turned around as he saw the prince turned around and took off his shirt and sleep pants along with his undergarments. The warlock hid his face behind his hands as he noticed he turned to face the mirror that was over the sink. He let out a little squeak as he heard the shower turn on from behind him. 

"Take your time!" He heard the prince shout from the shower area.

Jeongguk let out the breath he was holding and lowered his hands to lift his shirt up and over his head, letting his pants slide down to the ground with his own undergarments. He gulped as he felt a shiver run up his spine and wrap his arms around his body. The warlock turned to face the shower area and took a few deep breaths before walking closer. This would be the first time that the prince would see him like this, no one else had other than his eomma when he was much younger. 

"You alright Gguk..?" Taehyung asked as he washed his hair with a small amount of a shampoo-like substance. 

"Y-yes Hyung…" He nodded and slowly walked to be behind the prince. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now