Chapter 24: Unfinished Business.

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Time flew by for everyone in the kingdom. To say that the prince was scared was a complete understatement. He felt sick to his stomach, he had to watch one of his men fight his own battle. Yet he could do nothing about it. It went against the knights code to step in and fight in a duel for someone else after they've accepted it.Taehyung was near the point at yelling at the other knight, Ji-hae for accepting such a duel that was for him and him alone. Though he was silent from his anger, it left a feeling of if you were to speak the wrong thing or step the wrong way, he would snap.

Jeongguk had never seen someone in this bad of an angered state. Taehyung hadn't even told him to leave. He knew he should so the prince could take his anger out alone but he felt like he shouldn't. That it would've been wrong to do so. He assumed that the anger was silent, yet it could've been something underlying it. Jeongguk wouldn't know for sure, but it's why he stayed by the prince's side.

"I can't believe him, I.. I just can't!" Taehyung exclaimed as he watched the black knight stand outside. It was almost noon and everyone had been getting ready to watch the duel.

Jeongguk stood and let the older vent out how he felt without any comment. He would only speak up if needed, or whenever he felt that it would be needed.

"He's one of the top best knights we have, but still.. he might just get himself killed" Taehyung shook his head as he placed his hands on his hips.

"What do you mean..killed?" Jeongguk asked softly.

"That black knight killed half of our army in the last war, only my father could kill him in battle…" his eyes went dark. "A duel, just like this.."

"Then Ji-hae will die?" The warlock questioned. "Does he have a family? We must tell them-"

"He doesn't anymore and even if they were still alive, it's inevitable" Taehyung spoke darkly, as if all hope was lost. "Whoever accepts the black knights duel, will surely perish in battle"

Jeongguk just stared at the prince. He bit his lip trying to think of something that may put the other in a better mood. He was hesitant at first, but approached the other with a flutter of his heart. Once he was next to the prince, he stood facing him. Jeongguk grabbed the sides of the prince's shirt collar and pulled him towards him, he placed his lips against the prince's in hopes of calming him.

His eyes were squeezed shut but he gasped as he felt the prince grab his waist and pull him closer. Jeongguk moved his hands to be wrapped around the prince's neck and felt the older take lead of the kiss. The softness that was there soon changed slightly to that of anger, but soon that melted away to kindness and love, bringing back the softness from before. It was like a storm calming down and the light sun shone through between the clouds, that calmness that brings hope.

"What was that for, Ggukie?" Taehyung asked as they both pulled away and the prince placed his forehead on the warlock's.

"I just wanted to calm you is all…" Jeongguk replied shyly, completely opposite from his actions. "... I thought it would help," he shrugged softly.

"It did, thank you" Taehyung smiled. When he had felt the younger's lips placed on his, he could feel the anger melting away and replaced with a wash of calm. Though there was still worry in his senses it wasn't overpowered by the anger.

"You're welcome, hyungie" Jeongguk giggled as he felt the older male rub his nose against his own.

They stood like that for a while, looking in each other's eyes and enjoying the moment of being in one another's arms. All thoughts dripped away like early morning rain. They didn't want to be separate from each other, they wanted to be like this forever. But they couldn't, they knew that. They couldn't be close to each other like this everyday, many would be suspicious of how long they were together in a single room. Soon they both sighed and looked away, the warlock's grip loosened a bit.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now