Chapter 25: A Single Blade.

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The sounds of huffs and screeches of metal hitting one another, were loud against the crowd's ears. The sound of stones crunching under the two male's feet and groans from the knight who trained under the prince were heard. Though there wasn't a peep from the black knight as he continued to push through each hit at full strength, even an untrained knight could see how powerful his hits were. There were gasps of horror each time Ji-hae was nearly slashed by the blade of the dead man. Though there were small, fresh, bloody slashes in the knight's arms and shoulders, he still put up a fight and a good one at that.

The prince just sat on a wooden throne next to his father with a blank expression and watched the black knight's blade intently. His eyes never left that silver blade that had the colour of blood along the sides, though as it swung the blood dripped where it hadn't dried and rolled down the sides, landing on the stones. With one final slice the black knight ran his sword through the other knight's gut and pulled it out fast, letting Ji-hae fall to his knees and die on the stones beneath.

The dead man stood victorious, you could not read his face as it was covered by his helmet. Then he took off his armored glove and threw it to the ground again, silently asking for another duel.

"Fine!" Taehyung exclaimed, making everyone turn to look at him. "I shall accept your offer of a duel!" He jumped over the wooden fencing and picked up the armored glove.

"Taehyung, are you insane? Let one of your other knights handle it!" The King argued.

Before the prince could argue back the black knight spoke. "So be it" the dead man grabbed his armored glove back and walked away to where he would normally stand.

"You should've let one of your other knights take your place!" The king shouted.

"It has already been accepted, no one must fight for another!" The prince argued as he turned to look at his father before walking away back to the castle.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go home!" The king shouted to the crowd and they slowly went back to their homes.

Taehyung huffed as he walked back into the castle and towards the archives where he knew the others would be. He pushed open the door and was taken back by how dark and dusty it was compared to the rest of the castle that shone in the daylight. His eyes looked around for his favorite person and he saw the younger fixated on a thick book with his back to the door. Taehyung smiled as he saw the warlock and walked up behind him quietly.

"Hey Ggukie" Taehyung whispered into the younger's ear as he wrapped his arms around the other's waist, back hugging him as he nuzzled into the male's neck.

"Taehyungie-! You scared me for a second" Jeongguk jumped a bit when he felt the prince's arms around him. "So how did the duel go..?" He was scared to ask.

"Ji-hae was killed" The red haired male responded honestly. "And that dead man offered up another duel right after-"

"Please don't tell me you accept it" Jeongguk turned in the prince's arms to look him in the eyes as he put the book he was holding back on the shelves.

"I did," Taehyung replied honestly. "I'm not going to let some dead man walking kill my best knights!"

"What were you thinking?!" Jeongguk exclaimed. "You're going to get yourself killed" he gripped the prince's shirt collar.

"Relax, Ggukie, I'll be fine" Taehyung took the warlock's hands in his. "Besides, have you guys found anything yet?"

"...I might've.." the younger male muttered as he let go of the prince's collar and took the book back from the shelf. "It's called Excalibur and it can kill the things that are already dead" he read from the book.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now