Chapter 84: Relaxing Baths.

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Taehyung had woken up before Jeongguk. He was mindlessly looking out the big window that was to his left; it was on the opposite side to the door. He could feel Jeongguk's warm breath fanning against his chest as he slept soundly. One of the king's hands lay in the dip of Jeongguk's waist, his thumb bushing along the exposed skin of his back. 

The king looked away from the window and down at Jeongguk's relaxed face. He moved his hand from where it was and slowly started to brush his fingers up and down the younger's spine in time with his breaths. Taehyung shifted his eyes to land on the warlock's thigh that was hidden under the sheets, it lay across his own as the other was snuggled close. With his other hand, it slid under the sheets and took Jeongguk's thigh in his hand. Lifting it up a bit more and caressing the skin across it slowly. 

Taehyung smiled before looking back to the window. He watched as the birds flew past the window, and clouds drifted slowly through the sky. He felt Jeongguk's head move against his chest as he whined a bit from waking up and let out a sigh before Taehyung could feel him tracing old scars along his chest. Taehyung looked back to the warlock who only just opened one eye as he watched his finger. 

"How are you feeling, love?" He asked as his fingers continued their movement up and down the other's spine. 

"I'm good, apart from a sore lower back and thighs" He giggled from the ticklish feeling on his back. "..but I'm feeling good, better than that really" Jeongguk nodded. 

"A nice warm bath may help with the pain" Taehyung suggested as he softly rubbed Jeongguk's lower back and hips with the hand that was previously moving against his spine. 

"But we'll need to walk over to the bathroom.." Jeongguk pouted. 

"Who said 'we'? No, no,.." Taehyung shook his head. "I'll carry you there" 

Jeongguk looked up at him. "Are you sure? Aren't I heavy?" 

"Yes I'm sure.." Taehyung nodded with a smile. "And you're not" 

"But-" Jeongguk was about to protest before Taehyung placed a kiss against Jeongguk's nose. 

"Not buts" Taehyung said as he lightly pinched the warlock's thigh.

"Hey! No fair" Jeongguk replied and pinched his husband back but on his arm with a smile. 

"Still, you're not heavy, I've carried you before, plenty of times" Taehyung smiled back as he nuzzled into the warlock's neck and placed kisses along the underside of his jaw on the left side towards the right side, making the younger giggle and throw his head back. 

"S..stop" Jeongguk spoke through his giggles and then sighs when his husband stops. He looks down at the other who sighs into his shoulder and just places small kisses against his skin. 

After a few seconds of silence Taehyung then starts to shift so that he was sitting up and he hooked the both the warlocks legs over his own as he slid the hand that had been holding the younger's thigh, to be under so that he was holding Jeongguk in bridal style way. 

"Come, let's help your lower back with a warm bath" Taehyung smiled as he shifted to stand up with the other in his arms. 

"Woah- careful" Jeongguk muttered as he held Taehyung's shoulders tightly. 

Taehyung chuckled from the other expression. Jeongguk's eyes were wide from the sudden lift and the grip he had on Taehyung's shoulders wasn't too tight but tight enough that he felt safe. The older had his left hand on the warlock's upper back, holding him in place. He walked into their bathroom and walked over to their double sink marble countertop and placed the warlock to sit on it. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now