Chapter 32: Officially But Secretly Together.

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The castle was busy as normal with duties and chores being done by the servants. You wouldn't think there would be anything different buzzing around the halls. But you'd think wrong, because just behind a certain someone's closed and locked door was where the prince and warlock would stay during the day if Taehyung didn't have any duties to attend to or between different duties.

Though, today was like any other, the prince glanced at the warlock, who slept peacefully in his bed. Taehyung had a small smile make its way onto his face as he got dressed. He would get up earlier than normal on the days he knew someone would be coming to give him his breakfast, so he would let the younger male sleep as he listened for anyone to knock at his quarters door. He would never let the maid come into the room, he would open the door just enough for the tray to be passed to him and his body blocking the view of his bed, before closing it again with a thank you to the maid.

He'd place the breakfast tray down on the table and go to wake up the male who was asleep in bed, softly and sweetly. Either by pushing his hair back from his face and whispering in the young warlock's ear or placing kisses on the younger's cheek down to his sleepy, pouty lips. It depended on what side Jeongguk would be sleeping on, if he was on his right side, it would be the whispering, if he was on his left side, it would be the kisses.

"Alright, Baby" Taehyung hummed softly as he walked over to the sleeping male.

"It's time to wake up sweetheart" The prince whispered with a smile as he placed kisses along the warlock's cheek to his pouty lips.

"Hmm- Hyung.." the younger groaned as he buried his head into the pillow, possibly hiding a small smile from the early morning kiss.

"Breakfast is here, so you know the drill, get up and get something to eat and then get changed, okay?" The red haired male told the warlock while he rubbed his back to wake him up more.

"Mmhmm" The warlock nodded softly into the pillow.

"What was that?" Taehyung asked with a chuckle from the actions of the other.

"I said, okay" Jeongguk muttered as he turned his head out from the pillow as he opened his eyes slowly.

Taehyung laughed at the younger's actions as he walked back over to sort out the breakfast between them. The breakfast consisted of eggs benedict, four of them to be precise. Four pieces of bacon, four pieces of toast to go with the eggs benedict and some beans. He hummed in confusion as to why there were four of everything, except the beans which were a pile for two.

Taehyung shrugged as he sorted the food so they'd both have two each of everything. As he lifted the bowl however, he felt something off about it. It felt like there were two there, on top of one another. That was a bit strange to him. It hadn't happened before that morning so had someone caught on? Had someone realised they were together? No one could've, no one at all. They did their best to make it the least obvious as possible.

"Hyungie, what is it?" Jeongguk asked as he walked over to the prince and placed his head on the prince's shoulder in a tiresome fashion.

"We were given extra, two extra bits of each piece of food and even a plate," Taehyung explained as he pulled up the extra plate and showed it to the warlock.

"Do you think..?" Jeongguk questioned as he felt more awake than before.

"That somebody knows? Possibly" The prince sighed. "..I hope they don't tell anyone else"

"It could be one of the hyungs making sure we are getting enough to eat?' Jeongguk suggested but slowly lightnes to a question as he second guesses himself.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now