Chapter 7: "Mutatio cogitatio"

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Jeongguk looked at the thick book in his hands that had been bound with leather and twine. The cover had a red gem in it along with an orange one. He fiddled with it again between his palms before opening it and looking through each page. He wasn't sure what he was looking for exactly, all he knew was that it was something to change a person's mind. Jeongguk wasn't sure how strong the spell was nor how weak it was, he just hoped it would work. Not for him, but for Taehyung. 

The thought of being married off to someone who you don't love, sounded absolutely horrid. Especially; for him, if it was a girl. He couldn't deal with that. He wasn't sure about the prince though, Taehyung never mentioned it, he didn't need to either. It was more of he couldn't while the King was still alive. Jeongguk just hoped that Taehyung would find someone, one day to help rule the kingdom. 

Then, He realised; Then, he wouldn't be needed anymore. Jeongguk shook his head to rid those thoughts and concentrate on the task at hand. Finding the spell. With every page turn and skim of each word and spell, he quickly found the right one. 

"Mutatio cogitatio" He muttered as he read what the spell did. "To persuade those to think differently or change their minds…" Jeongguk smiled. 

"Namjoon-ssi!" Jeongguk got up from his bed and ran to the older male, who was trying to make a potion for healing face scars. 

"Yes? Did you find it..?" He asked urgently as he looked up from the book to the one Jeongguk held. 

"I think so…" Jeongguk shrugged "it says what it is right there" he pointed at the description of the spell. 

"Oh! Yes this is definitely it!" Namjoon smiled, "so how are you going to cast it without being detected?" He asked. 

"I… don't know yet.." Jeongguk sighed. "I can't let the prince know that I found something, or else he'd suspect me…" He bit his lip feeling nerves rise within him. 

"What's wrong with him knowing…?" Namjoon asked. "You and I both know that he likes magic, I'm not sure why myself, but why shouldn't you tell him?" 

"I'm scared he may tell his father…" Jeongguk muttered. 

"Again, you and I both know he doesn't tell his father anything" Namjoon put down a lead he was holding. "He hasn't even told the king about what his interest in gender is" 

"What is it..?" 

"Why do you want to know hmmm?" Namjoon teased. 

"No… no.. reason.." Jeongguk felt his ears burn up slowly from embarrassment. 

"He'll probably tell you soon anyway, it'll be bad for me to out him anyway" Namjoon smiled. 

"I see…" Jeongguk nodded. "Then… when he tells me, I'll tell him" he smiled.

"Tell him...what?" 

"What my own preference is, Namjoon-ssi!" Jeongguk exclaimed with a puff of his cheeks. 

"Alright, alright good for you" Namjoon chuckled. 
"Now go, don't you have to go to dinner with the prince?" 

"Oh! Yes I do!" He slammed closed the book he was holding and placed it down on the table before rushing off. 

"Be careful next time!" Namjoon shouted as the younger ran out the door. 

Jeongguk ran his familiar route up the flights of stairs and through the many halls to get back to the prince to tell him the bad news before dinner. That being, there wasn't a potion. He was scared to see what the others reaction would be but he didn't want to lie anymore than he should. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now