Chapter 83: [S] Golden Pulses.

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The two males decided it would be best for both them and the village to head back to the kingdom before they could further the rest of the ceremony they needed to do as well as the warlock's coronation. The journey back was done in a quicker manner than before. The king wanted the villagers to get back home faster and safer as well as get back to their homes for warmth. With that being said, due to their quicker pace back to the village, the villagers, knights, and Kings arrived back to the kingdom before nightfall.

There was enough time given for everyone to get home, eat their dinners, and unpack before heading to bed.

Expect two; the King and warlock. They arrived in their quarters and took off their cloaks. They were in more comfortable clothing for their journey back, as they had changed out of their wedding attire a day or so ago. Tonight would be something new for the two of them. They were both nervous; one showed it more than the other. But nonetheless, it was a big thing for the two of them. In order to proceed with the wedding ceremony, they would need to make love.

This made Jeongguk nervous. Tonight had come quicker than what he expected but there were two things he was happy about; one, that they were back home and were able to do it on their comfortable bed and two, that Taehyung was there to help him through it.

"Baby is something wrong..?" Taehyung asked as he noticed the other's movements stop. He was lying on their bed waiting for the younger to join him. Jeongguk had been unpacking his luggage and placing it back into their closet but stopped by the bag before closing it, seeing it ending.

"No, no, it's nothing." Jeongguk shook his head as he gulped.

Taehyung stood up and walked over to the warlock. He took his hands in his and looked into Jeongguk's eyes before bringing up one of his hands and placing a kiss against the warlock's palm

"Something is wrong.." Taehyung confirmed. "Tell me, love.. you know I'll understand"

Jeongguk took a second before replying.
"'s just.. this is new to me, I don't know how.. or know what to do, or.. or…" He huffed. "It's.. It's just my first time doing this.."

Taehyung gave a light chuckle with a smile. "Don't worry, love, it's my first time doing this too, we'll learn together, okay?" He stopped to let the other nod. "..I'll listen to you and stop when you want me too. You'll be the one getting pampered, but you and your words are the ones in control here,"

"..Thank you." Jeongguk looked at the other in his eyes. "How.. how do we..?"

"We'll start slow. Go sit on the bed, okay?" Taehyung gestured with a nudge of his head and watched as the younger walked over before sitting down in the middle of the bed and waited while fiddling with his fingers.

"Lay back, pillow behind your head and lower back." Taehyung walked over and watched as the warlock did as he was told. "Good, get comfortable, there's no reason not to." He gave a smile.

Jeongguk shifted a bit till he felt comfortable and nodded his head lightly as he watched the other crawl his way over to him.

"We'll just start with kisses, and then we'll go with the flow, okay?" Taehyung confirmed as he looked over the warlock's face.

"Okay," Jeongguk whispered with a light nod.

Taehyung then placed his body over the warlocks to place his lips against the younger's. Jeongguk sank into the normal, slow kiss and let his hands slide up and wrap themselves around the older's neck and sighed lightly into the kiss. Jeongguk could feel the other's hands travel around his waist above the clothing he wore. His fingers fiddled with strands of Taehyung's hair as they slowly felt their need and wanted to build up.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now