Chapter 55: His Last Words

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Taehyung wasn't able to sleep. He tried to, he really did but he just couldn't. He absolutely felt frustrated by his thoughts and tried his best to not wake the warlock next to him. Taehyung looked outside and it was still dark out. He let out a huff and looked to the younger who was sleeping soundly almost snuggling close to him; his hair covering his eyes that were softly shut, along with his mouth slightly open with soft breathes escaping his lips. The prince sat up against his pillow and sighed. He rubbed his face with his hands and stood up, the light of the moon reflecting off his skin as he walked over to the window to look out of.

He placed his forearm on the window as he sighed as he placed a hand on his hip. Taehyung saw the torches still lit and the people grieving and crying over the King's current state.

Taehyung's head shot up at the sound of the door knocking harshly and rushed over, not thinking to check if the noise woke the sleeping warlock. Taehyung opened the door slowly and stood there, his eyes wide when he saw Namjoon standing there.

"Namjoon-hyung…?" Taehyung wondered aloud.

"You look like you haven't gotten any sleep.." The physician commented. "..not that any of us have.."

"You can say that…" Taehyung nodded. "How's…?" He didn't want to continue. He knew.

"He wants you to come and see him, he needs to tell you something" Namjoon spoke with a sorrowful tone.

"Alright…" Taehyung nodded. "Give me a second to get dressed" he looked away as he blinked back tears. Namjoon nodded and walked away.

Taehyung closed the door softly with a sigh and he turned and walked to his closet grabbing a shirt and slipping it on, leaving his loose pants on.

"Tae..?" Jeongguk called out to the prince as he sat up, still half asleep and with a small pout on his lips.

"My father wants me to see him before he…" Taehyung took a breath. "Goes… he wants to tell me something"

"Do you want me to come with you..?" Jeongguk asked just in case the older wanted to be alone with his father.

Taehyung stood stiff for a second before replying "Please…" He looked at his lover with a hollow eyes and a pained expression.

"Okay" Jeongguk nodded softly as he got up out of bed and walked to where the prince was and grabbed one of his pairs of pants and slipped it on.

"Won't people be suspicious…?"

"Of..?" Jeongguk looked at the prince with a soft expression.

"Pants.." Taehyung muttered. "They'd know it's mine"

"You can just say we had to be quick and I had to borrow something for now" Jeongguk shrugged. "Simple"

Taehyung looked at the warlock with a blank expression before smiling softly and lovingly gaze filled his eyes. He took the younger into his arms and pulled him into an embrace.

"I love you" Taehyung breathed. "I hope you know that"

"I love you too" Jeongguk buried his head into the prince's neck. "And of course I know that"

"We should get going" Jeongguk pulled away slowly from the prince's embrace and took his hand.

The prince only nodded before the two quickly left his quarters, leaving the door open as they left. They almost sped through the halls towards the king's quarters, not wanting to waste borrowed time. The halls were dark but only lit by the moonlight. The stone ground was cold but they didn't care as they sprinted through the halls.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now