Chapter 46: Surprisingly Shocking.

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The knights training sessions were going well- apart from when Bae Joon would teach them the wrong move- and Taehyung would watch out from the corner of his eye keeping a close note of what was happening and telling each group after he had come from Bae Joon to never, ever, use the move that they were taught as it was a dirty move to even know of, let alone use. How Bae Joon knew about the move was another thing. There hadn't been anyone who taught him that and Taehyung had made sure of that, the moment he was teaching them. So why now, of all times did the snobby knight start to show his worse colours?

Jeongguk had the same actions as the prince did. Only watching from the corner of his eye and not approaching. But the warlock couldn't help but glare whenever he noticed the knight wink of his lover when the older male wasn't paying attention. His doe eyes changed shape to that of sirens. His jaw clenched as he looked Bae Joon up and down with a judging look; he couldn't help but hope that something bad might happen to the knight.

Taehyung signed. "You never use the move that Bae Joon had taught you, it is a dirty, illegal move and he shouldn't have taught you it, let alone known of it" He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he huffed with frustration because he had to repeat it again and again to get it through the groups of knights head.

"But he said it was useful-"

"For what?" Taehyung snapped, he was tired of having to have the same talk over and over again. He had calmed down abit once he felt the warlock's hand on his shoulder.

"He didn't specify, Sire…" The knight muttered as a reply.

"Then he shouldn't have known of it"

"Taehyung," The warlock whispered softly. "How about a break?" He suggested.

"Yes" Taehyung let out a sigh. "Good idea, thank you Gguk" He gave a small smile to the warlock before turning back. "Twenty minute break!"

The knights nodded back in reply as they went to sit down in the shade. Taehyung turned to Jeongguk and was trying to think of what to say when he noticed the warlock glaring in the direction of the snobby knight.

"Baby, glaring at him won't make him melt," Taehyung joked lightly. "Or turn to stone"

"He keeps eyeing you up, I don't like it" The warlock huffed.

"Baby, love…" Taehyung secretly took the warlock's hand with his own by their side. "You never have to worry, I'll only look at you and love you, okay?"

Jeongguk looked away from the knight, who was now facing away, and looked back to his lover with the soft look back in his doe eyes. The siren's shape was gone and now back to the round, almond shape.

"Okay" He nodded.

"Where's my 'love you' in reply hmm?" Taehyung teased.

Jeongguk smiled with one of the corners of his lips going up and only showing the two front bunny looking teeth. With a scrunch of his nose, again, almost like a bunny would, he felt flustered and shy under the loving gaze of the prince before him. He wanted nothing more than to bury his head into Taehyung's shoulder, but he knew he couldn't at that moment.

"So precious" Taehyung sighed out lovingly.

"Love you too" Jeongguk smiled fully.

"Thank you" Taehyung could only smile in reply as he really wanted to kiss the warlock but knew he couldn't out in the open, not yet anyway.

The prince turned back to the group he was working with and saw that they all were sitting and laughing while resting in the shade. He couldn't remember that last time he had done that himself. Sure, he had relaxed in the shade, but only for a few minutes and nothing more. Maybe he could later in the day with the warlock.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now