Chapter 50: Working Out The Plan.

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It was finally the first day of the week-long Knight duels. The prince and the warlock were able to sleep in the morning after the last training day and they definitely needed it. The exhaustion of, well, everything got to them- from the lack of understanding and miscommunication between the knights, along with lack of communication from the knights and even from Bae Joon, there was a lot of clearing up to do. So, sleeping in was needed for the two.

One set of arms wrapped around the other's waist, head pushed against the younger's neck and his hands gripping the fabric of the warlock's shirt. Their breathing even and their bodies warm. Their slumber is peaceful, soft and just like them.

Taehyung nuzzled his head into the warlock more before giving in and blinking his tired eyes open. He sat up but left his arm around Jeongguk's waist, he leaned over to look at Jeongguk's sleeping face and placed a kiss on the warlock's cheek, going closer to his lips and placing a kiss on the corner of his lips. As he was admiring Jeongguk's pretty features; the little mole below his bottom lip, the one on his nose and the way the bottom of his teeth were showing as he was breathing softly.

Soon the noise of his door being harshly knocked on echoed through the quarters and it made the younger couple jump from where they lay.

"Taehyung! I know you're in there! You need to get now or else you'll be late to the duel, and you know how I feel about you being late!" The voice of his father was heard through the door making the young couple almost fall from the bed.

"I'll be down in a minute father" Taehyung shouted back as he had a small metal panic before grabbing the younger's shoulders and guiding him to the bathroom.

"You have to be-" Taehyung had started to whisper.

"Quiet, I know, don't worry" Jeongguk responded just as quietly to the prince as he gave a soft, tired kiss to his cheek before walking to hide in the bathroom.

Taehyung gave a small smile as he closed the bathroom door and looked down, noticing he didn't have a shirt on. He scurred to find a shirt and quickly slipped the dark blue colour shirt on before walking over to the door and opening it.

"Father! I'm sorry that I slept in" Taehyung smiled. "It was probably due to all the work I've been doing with the knights, and you know about the miscommunication situation don't you? I had to sort that out" Taehyung explained.

"Oh right! Yes that" The king waved it off. "I should've remembered that, taking action as the future King should" He nodded. "Well, hurry up and get changed, I'm surprised that servant of yours didn't come and wake you" He scoffed.

"His name is Jeongguk, and not 'that servant' and he has been busy helping Namjoon-hyung out" Taehyung lied near the end. The lies always come so simply to him when he would talk to his father.

"Whatever you say, Taehyung" He shook his head. "Just be down within the hour" The king then walked away back down the hall leaving Taehyung to watch and wait.

Once Taehyung was sure that the King was gone, he shut his door and ran back to the bathroom door to open it again.

"You have no idea how much I hate him" Taehyung said as he walked into the bathroom to see Jeongguk sitting on the sink countertop.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Why are you sitting up there?" He wondered and he stepped towards the warlock.

"Because I could," Jeongguk shrugged. "And I have a decent idea of how much you hate him," he nodded with a smile.

Taehyung smiled back as a response as he stood between the warlock's legs. His hands were either side of Jeongguk's hips resting on the sink countertop as he leaned closer.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now