Chapter 98: Hidden.

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It had finally come to the time when Jeongguk had to be hidden away from his people. Taehyung had made the announcement that Jeongguk would be going on a warlock training journey and will be back in three months' time. The warlock was currently seven months long, and there were two months left, and that added an extra month was for recovery and looking after the baby.

He was lying in their bed, propped against the pillows and lovingly rubbing his belly with his hand as he looked around the room in his own thoughts. Jeongguk had thought of names but didn't voice them to his husband yet. He had the feeling that this child would be a girl. Though he didn't know exactly. It was fifty fifty, after all. But he would love them all the same.

Jeongguk let out a sigh. He started to feel hungry and then felt his mood dampen. He was feeling right as rain and over the moon, but now he felt like rain in the winter. He wasn't sure why, but soon his thoughts went from lovingly thinking about his child to how he didn't look as good as he used to. How he couldn't walk around much without Taehyung's help. Even his sleep was worse, and so he just felt tired more and more.

He sniffed and tried not to let it get to him, but it did. Jeongguk started to cry; his tears dripped down his cheeks as he tried to wipe them clean. The warlock wanted nothing more than to cuddle his husband, but the older was busy with some duties he had to attend to.

Soon, much to his happiness, the door opened quickly and shut just as quickly to show the older male coming back and finally done with his duties.

"I'm back, my love, were you bored-" He stopped when he saw that the warlock was crying. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

Taehyung rushed to the warlock's side and sat down on the side of the bed next to him. He took one of the younger's hands in his and used the other to wipe Jeongguk's tears off his cheeks.

"I don't know.. one minute I was thinking about our baby, and how much I love them, the next thing I know I'm thinking about how I don't look as good as I used to or how I can't do things for myself anymore and.. and how my sleep is ruined… I'm tired, hyungie.." Jeongguk sobbed with a pout.

"..and hungry too.." He muttered.

"Awe, baby.." Taehyung coo'd before he moved closer to the other and wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's body, holding him close for a hug.

"You're still beautiful, you're still able to do the things you'd like, you just need some help is all..and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that..okay?" Taehyung spoke in Jeongguk's ear.

Jeongguk nodded against the other's shoulder.

"And I know sleep is hard for you, but no one is stopping you from having naps in the day while I'm busy, it'll definitely make time go by faster" Taehyung chuckled at the end. He felt the other giggle against him with a sniffle.

"Now you mentioned that you were hungry?" The older asked as he pulled away to cup the other's face.

"Mhm.." Jeongguk hummed with a nod with a sniff. "But.. it's strange.."

"Why do you say that?" Taehyung asked as he looked into the warlock's eyes.

"Because it's… odd," Jeongguk hesitantly said, his eyes looking at the other in an innocent way.

"I'm sure it's not," Taehyung reassured softly.

Jeongguk took a breath before he said what he wanted. "Fruit in a bowl, but they're covered in icing sugar."

"That's not odd at all," Taehyung smiled. "Any type of fruit in mind, baby?" He asked.

"Strawberries mostly, but some grapes and other berries too if we have any blueberries!" Jeongguk replied. "Just small fruits, nothing like apples or bananas at the moment.."

Taehyung nodded. "Okay, sweetheart, I'll call for someone to get that for you, okay?"

Jeongguk nodded as he felt the other's hands drift from his face and watch as the other got up off the bed and other their door. Taehyung had opened it up just enough for his body and closed it again after. It wasn't very clear, but Jeongguk would vaguely hear through the doors that his husband was asking one of the maids if he could get a snack for when he's working on things in his room. The older explained what he wanted - which was what Jeongguk wanted.

The warlock smiled as he saw the door open again and his husband coming back inside. Taehyung walked back over to where the younger was laying and placed a kiss on his forehead before sitting back down again on the edge of the bed.

"It'll take a while before it gets here. Is that okay, baby?" Taehyung asked to make sure it was okay with the younger male.

"That's okay, thank you, hyungie." Jeongguk gave his husband a big bunny smile and made Taehyung's heart melt from the way his bunny teeth were shown.

"No need to thank me, baby, okay?" Taehyung shook his head as he gave a smile to the other.

"How else am I meant to tell you that, you're amazing and I need to do something for you but I didn't know-" Taehyung got cut off before he was able to get his thoughts.

"Taehyungie~, I'm not amazing, I'm just a supporter."

"Sure…" Taehyung didn't need to be able to see and didn't need to know what was happening. He was happy that he was the only one who could deal with it and defeat it.

"I don't believe that sure…" Jeongguk pointed out as he eyed the other male.

Taehyung let out a fake gasp. "Oh? Why not?"

"Because half the time, it's just me who made it, and I'm not that good at making things.." Jeongguk shrugged.

Just as Taehyung was about to reply, there was the sound of someone knocking on their quarters door. The older one gave the younger a soft look as if to tell him to wait a second before he stood up and walked over to the door.

Taehyung opened the door just enough so his body was covering the gap and got the bowl of fruits and icing sugar before thanking the maid, closing the door after he was done.

"Here you go, baby." Taehyung smiled as he walked over to Jeongguk with the bowl.

" god.. thank you so much, hyungie. " Jeongguk thanked him as he started to cry.

"Awe baby, don't cry.." Taehyung coo'd as he started to wipe away the younger's tears yet again.

Mood swings were a thing they weren't used to, but the two of them got through it together. All they hoped for was that the day of delivery would go smoothly.


I hope you liked it!
Sorry again, that is on the shorter side, I was falling asleep whilst writing, so I wrapped it up quickly.

One chapter and then the epilogue until this book is done :)

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now