Chapter 18: Preparing for the worse.

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The prince's idea was simple. Ask Jin if he could go and relax with the warlock under the tree's shade. He hoped that he could, seeing that they've been training a lot as of recently. Taehyung had been dragging the younger male down to the field where the training was and walked up to the other knight, still hand in hand with Jeongguk.

The warlock was still concerned by the prince's idea to lay with him in the shade, in fear that he may get yelled at or worse, get the blame and say that it was his idea and tricked the prince into doing it. Though there was no backing out of it now.

"Jin-hyung!" The prince shouted to the knight as he saw him cleaning his sword.

"Taehyung! Here already for the …. Training?" He grumbled with a fake smile on his face.

"Actually about that…" Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck. "Could I take today off and lay with Gguk in the shade?" He pointed to the tree shade where the younger would lay.

"Go for it Taehyung, you've been working hard and… let's face it we all need a break from the excessive workouts" Jin chuckled as he placed his sword back on its stand.

"Yes! Thank you, Jin-hyung" The prince smiled as he pulled the warlock with him towards the shaded area.

"Hyungie, don't pull too hard" the warlock giggled as he was pulled along by the prince.

"Sorry, I guess I got excited" Taehyung apologized as he sat down under the shaded area. "Are you going to sit or not?"

Jeongguk just smiled as he shook his head, before sitting down next to the prince. He lent back and laid on the grass looking up at the tree leaves and seeing the sun shining through them. The green glow and the blue sky behind it made him look fondly at it. He wished this moment wouldn't end, but he knew it would.

Taehyung sat and looked over the younger male next to him. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander down the warlock's body and back up to his face where he noticed that the other's eyes were closed, enjoying the warm breeze and cool shade. The red haired male smiled, he was tempted to let his fingers graze the warlock's cheek but decided against it.

"It's nice isn't it?" Taehyung looked up and saw Jin walking over.

"Very, why didn't we do this before?" Taehyung asked as he watched the elder sit down a little ways from them.

"We were too occupied by training before but now you have something else occupying you" Jin smirked as he looked from the prince to the younger.

"What else is occupying you, Hyungie?" Jeongguk as he sat up to look at the prince. Then his eyes went wide as he realized that he called the prince an informal name in front of another person. "Uh… I mean Taehyung-ssi" he cleared his throat.

"It's alright Gguk, Jin-hyung is okay with it" Taehyung reassured, making the younger sigh with relief.

"It's alright Jeongguk, as long as you don't say it in front of the king, you should be okay" Jin reassured him too.

"I doubt that he would care now though, due to that spell Chun-Ae had put on my father," Taehyung huffed.

"Spell..?" The knight asked.

"Yes, a love spell, all he is noticing now is her and her alone, he's blinded by it" Jeongguk explained.

"...and their engagement celebration is tonight," Taehyung sighed.

"Oh-" Jin let out softly. "This… may not end well…" he muttered.

"Why?" Taehyung asked worrisome.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now