Chapter 85: A Visitor From The Past.

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The married couple were going over papers and discussing the warlock's coronation in about two weeks, and they wanted to make sure it was perfect for him. They were enjoying each other's time together in the throne room, as they talked and worked out options for what time and date the coronation needed to be, as well as having someone come in and get measurements of the warlocks head to make sure the crown would fit well and ask if there were any adjustments that the king's would like.

Jeongguk shook his head as he didn't want adjustments to change the crown that was from Taehyung's mother. Just resizing would be okay. Taehyung smiled at the gesture and nodded in agreement to the person who was getting the measurements. The person then left the throne room and left the married couple be.

"That was very sweet of you, love" Taehyung spoke softly as he sat by the other. He took Jeongguk's hand in his own and lifted it to kiss the back of it.

"What was..?" Jeongguk asked as he looked at the other from looking at the papers in front of him.

"The fact you want to keep my mother's crown the same but only have its size changed" Taehyung explained. "It's very sweet of you"

"Oh-" Jeongguk nodded his head. "Of course, I wanted to keep another piece of your mother here with you, I didn't want to intrude or change something that's close to your heart"

Taehyung smiled. He felt his heart grow in warmth from the gesture and it made him admire the warlock more. Leaning over he placed a kiss on Jeongguk's forehead going down to his cheek in a quick loving gesture.

"Tae~" Jeongguk giggled from the ticklish kisses on his face and his bunny-like smile grew bigger. "We have to go over the paperwork~" He pouted.

"It can wait," Taehyung teased as he continued to playfully kiss around Jeongguk's face, jaw and neck. "I wanna shower my baby in love~"

Jeongguk rolled his eyes playfully. "You can do that later, hyungie" as he shook his head.

"Why later, when I can do it now?" Taehyung questioned. "Besides, we can kiss all we want and people wouldn't care, they know about us now, they know about our freedom"

What Taehyung said was true. They had their freedom now; no more hiding and sneaking around. No more whispers or secret meetings. Just freedom. Anytime of any day or night. They can just be free. Free to hold, free to kiss, free to..well do anything.

"You're right .. I forgot about that" He let out a soft breath from the realization. They had their freedom now. "There was just so much going on, that I forgot that we can just be happy"

Taehyung looked into the warlock's eyes and saw the relief that had settled. The way they went wide in happiness and it sparked joy within his heart when he saw the small flash of golden excitement from the warlock's inner emotions.

"There was a lot going on, I do agree with that" Taehyung nodded. "And yes, we can be happy now, nothing will or ever change that"

Taehyung then leant over and placed his lips against the younger's in a soft kiss that made the warlock smile softly as he kissed the other back. It was slow; a simple way of just enjoying a small moment of normality. A small break from the paperwork at hand.

They pulled away quickly because they heard the doors open and a Knight rushed into the throne room in an urgent manner. Taehyung stood up and approached the knight as Jeongguk rushed to stand and walk behind his husband.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked as his voice darkened in a serious manner.

"There's a visitor at the front doors.." The knight's eyes shifted back and forth from the warlock to Taehyung. "...he says he's here to see Jeongguk"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now