Chapter 20: A Small Flower or Something Different.

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Taehyung hadn't felt this scared in a long time. The last time he felt this was when his mother was dying in front of him. But now it was because the person he grew to love and get attached to was slowly dying in his arms as he ran through the castle halls. The dull torches lit on the sides as he made his way to the only place he knew that would help. There was no noise coming from the warlock in his arms, the only other noise that was present was the prince's heavy breathing and heartbeat in his ears.

Trying not to slip as he ran down the stairs to the lower levels of the castle to the physicians quarters, he held onto Jeongguk tighter. Scared to let go of him both physically and emotionally. Taehyung saw the physician's door and ran harder towards it, almost gliding as he came to a stop. He quickly knocked on the door, loudly, almost pounding into it, waiting for the other to open it.

"Taehyung?- Oh no-" Namjoon opened the door and saw what was in front of him. "Quickly, get in" he stepped aside to let the prince in.

"He.. he just… he drank it for me" Taehyung couldn't understand why the younger male would do that for him.

"That idiot…I told him not to.. just place him in my bed" Namjoon sighed as he pointed to his bed and walked over to his bench that had many books scattered across it.

"You told him not to? So he planned to do it all along?" Taehyung asked as he placed the warlock onto the bed and sat down on a small box next to it. He placed a hand on the younger's forehead and noticed it was hot and sweaty. The prince sighed as he placed his head onto the bed.

"Yes, he didn't want you to die… so he lied to you" Namjoon explained simply as he huffed looking over a book he had opened.

"He didn't need to lie to me…" Taehyung muttered as he moved the other's hair from his forehead.

"I'm sure he's sorry for doing that" Namjoon looked up for a second to the two. "But right now we need to find the cure" He looked back at the book.

"Cure…?" Taehyung questioned. "I didn't know there was one" He started to trace the younger's features softly with his finger in fear of forgetting them.

"Namjoon-hyung, I've got the mushrooms needed and other herbs but I couldn't find any of that rare yellow orchid," Jimin explained as he walked in with the items in hand.

"But that yellow orchid is the thing we need the most!" Namjoon groaned. "Its location is in a cave in the far mountains… that's at least half a day's travel there and back and Jeongguk has only a day and a half…" he explained.

"I can go get it" Taehyung looked up at the two. He stood up as he took off his fur cape and placed it over Jeongguk like a blanket. He placed a soft kiss on the warlock's forehead. "It's not too far and I know my way around it, it's faster by horse anyway"

"...alright, but you have to be quick, you hear me?" Namjoon questioned the prince with a stern stare.

"Of course, I'll go as fast as I can," Taehyung nodded as he ran out of the room after a final look at the younger male whose skin was getting paler. 

Taehyung ran towards his quarters to get his armor and slipped it on, making sure everything was tied and properly placed. He turned and grabbed his sword that was in its place by his window and nodded as he tied it on to his side. He ran back out and towards the front doors where he heard footsteps following behind him. Just as he was about to open the door the familiar voice of his father spoke.

"I cannot allow you to go and save your servant" his voice was clear and not wavy as it once was under that spell.

"You can't stop me, father, he's the one who saved me, I must repay him," Taehyung replied with a deeper tone.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now