Chapter 65: Fiance? I Like The Sound Of That.

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After their lunch, the young engaged couple shared a few more kisses before packing up the silver tray and the king picking it up to carry it back to the cooks. They wanted to tell their closest friends first rather than the whole village before they were ready.

They didn't know what the reaction would be for when they told the village, so they'd rather wait than do it too early. They decided that they would tell their closest friends to meet them in the throne room and tell them there. But they'd do that the next day after thinking that they should just sleep on the decision and decide what to do in the morning.

So, they did just that. The younger one in his fiancé's embrace, Taehyung's arms wrapped around Jeongguk's waist. The warlock's head was buried into his pillow; his locks of hair were messy against it as he had probably moved his head around a lot in his sleep. There was an evident pout on his lips; though they were parted a tad. Though that changed when he clenched his jaw and rubbed his face into the pillow more before opening his eyes.

The warlock couldn't help but smile as he noticed the other's arms around his waist. He looked over his shoulder and glanced at Taehyung who was sleeping peacefully; though Jeongguk would miss the red in the other's hair, the new colour that it was now was a more wooden brown colour, close to that of a medium black walnut colour. Jeongguk turned to face his fiance and lightly played with the other's hair. He could see the side of his ring in the light from the sun behind him, and his smile grew.

"Baby…" Taehyung muttered. Jeongguk only hummed with a giggle as a reply.

"Why are you playing with my hair?" The older one asked as he opened only one eye to look at the younger.

"Because I could…" Jeongguk just shrugged. "And because you looked so peaceful whilst sleeping, I didn't want to wake you just yet, I'm sorry that I did, though." He spoke with a pout.

"Don't apologize, baby." He placed a kiss upon the warlock's forehead. "Besides, I was slightly wake when you turned over anyway," He muttered against the other's forehead.

"Did I move over too fast? Is that what woke you?" Jeongguk questioned with a soft sense of worry in his voice.

"No, no, the sun did a bit, but I had gotten more aware when you turned over, that's all." Taehyung reassured the warlock.

"Did we…?" Jeongguk was about to ask as he turned to look to see if they had forgotten to close the curtains. They indeed had. "Ah.. we forgot to close the curtains, no wonder the sun was bright bright right away. "

"Most likely, it was quite dark last night." The older one nodded. "..Now about our decision..?"

Taehyung looked at the warlock as the male sat up. Jeongguk let out a breath and leant back on his pillow behind him. Not uttering any words but looking at the other to give acknowledgement that he was listening.

"Do you still want to tell them?" Taehyung asked. The decision was for Jeongguk to decide, not Taehyung; even though the older was the one who proposed, it was the younger's decision to tell their friends.

"Yes," Jeongguk nodded. "They should know, or else they're going to be confused as to why I have a ring on my finger."

Taehyung gave a smile before sitting up and sliding out of bed. "Well, it's not any ring, that's my mother's." He said it as if he were saying it in passing.

"Your..mother's?" The warlock asked softly in shock as he looked down at the golden band. "Hey! You… you can't just saying it so casually!"

This made Taehyung laugh as he walked to their bathroom. Jeongguk could only stare as he watched the other walk into the bathroom. Taehyung had stopped and turned to the male who was still in their bed.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now