Chapter 51: Let The Duels Begin.

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TW; Gore, Mentions of blood, stabbing and death.

The sound of the trumpets echoed around the crowd and ushered the villagers to get to their seats, Taehyung and Jeongguk arrived at the seating area where the royals would sit. The older let out a big sigh as he sat down expecting the warlock to do the same, but noticed he stayed standing. The prince's eyebrow rose in confusion but before he could say anything his father sat down in the seat like a throne on his right. 

Taehyung looked at his father with a confused yet hardened glare. He saw his father sat, back straight, hands in his lap and eyes only trained on the arena. The prince saw from the corner of his eye that Yoongi had come to sit down in his seat to the right of the king. But Taehyung could only feel rage when he saw his father acting so calm, so collected and so arrogant. 

"Taehyungie.." Taehyung felt the younger male's breath against his ear. "Unclench your hand before you get splinters" he felt the other's soft touch on his hand. 

The prince blinked as he looked at the warlock before looking down at his own hand; seeing how the warlock still had his hand placed against it. Taehyung slowly unclenched it with a slow breath and looked back to the open arena. He felt Jeongguk's hand move away from him and looked back to see that the younger male was standing against the thin, wooden wall. 

"Why aren't you sitting?" Taehyung questioned quietly. "You'll hurt your legs if you continue to stand" 

"There isn't any space" Jeongguk shook his head. "Besides, if I were to sit down here, I wouldn't be able to see over the fence, I need to see what happens" 

Taehyung only nodded. He knew he couldn't tell the warlock to sit in his lap, it would be out of the question. His father was right next to him and that would be a hard thing to explain at the current time. Of course they needed to watch what Bae Joon would do in his duel, would he play dirty? Most definitely. Would the king notice it? Definitely not because of the spell. Would anyone else notice? The crowd? No. The group of knights who were with Taehyung for the hunt? Yes. The first year recruits? Yes.

The king stood up from his seat and stepped forward, waiting for the crowd to settle into their seats and grow quiet. The villagers slowly noticed the king waiting for them all to listen to his speech to begin the first duel of the day. 

"We shall start the annual duel today with not only strong, willing participants but with loyal. Knowledgeable people who have great arms to protect this kingdom…" the king let the crowd cheer for a few minutes. "...this kingdom knows no bounds and with the prince- my son, Taehyung leading these young gentlemen everyday or even in future battle, we welcome these new men to our ranks" 

The crowd cheered again but louder. Taehyung looked at the warlock beside him with a worrisome look; the other returned it. The mention of future battles had always worried the prince, he never liked dealing with big debates over battle, more so talking it out would be better for getting ideas across and discussing new ways of helping the kingdom. 

"We shall start with Bae Joon and Dae Sung" The king's booming voice echoed calling in the two knights. 

The two knights walked in, fully dressed up in armor and waving to the crowd. Dae Sung did not know what was about to happen to him; sure he knew that he'd have to die if he lost, but he didn't know how much pain he would be in because of the other knight. Bae Joon on the other hand had a nasty smirk on his face while his eyes were filled with hate, knowing and worst of all and evil in which no one else saw but the two who knew. 

"Knights into your starting positions!" The King ordered. 

Once the two knights got to the center they stood facing one another; they placed their helmets on with one final proper look at each other and got into their stances. Swords at the ready to their left hand side, balance on by their core and legs at shoulders length. They could only hear their own breathing in their ears, the warmth of their breath and sweat starting on their foreheads. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now